18 years ago
3 months ago
I should probably know this, but i've never had to do it before, i'm in the process of doing my own database based on the starting squads of next season with promotions and relegations, the one problem i face is Coventry started on FM 14 with -10 points deduction, is there anyway i can remove this from the editor?

I tried the add nations rule, as i thought it'd come under that but when accessing League 1 there was no teams with deductions on that list. I tried adding Coventry with 0 points deduction, but that made no difference.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
12 years ago
10 years ago
Hi, I don't know exactly of the top of my head, would have to mess on editor. Logical guess though would be as;

The club went into liquidation -irl- hence the 10 points.
When you start the game there will be something within the code/editor that makes the liquidation happen.

You could see if they are "In Administration" by checking finance tab on the editor. If unchecked,
You could try changing the owners or make it a fan based club, which might right over the original code.

Let me know how you get on.
12 years ago
10 years ago
Just had a look on editor, go to Coventry, navigate to top of the editor where it states "Edit", move down to remove bans, sub menu should appear with England league 1 and then Coventry, select Coventry, it asks if you want to remove 1 ban. It must be it if non of above works as Coventry has no supporters bans.
18 years ago
3 months ago
Just had a look on editor, go to Coventry, navigate to top of the editor where it states "Edit", move down to remove bans, sub menu should appear with England league 1 and then Coventry, select Coventry, it asks if you want to remove 1 ban. It must be it if non of above works as Coventry has no supporters bans.

None of those work, i especially thought you were onto a winner with the removing bans from Coventry, but that didn't fix it, for whatever reason. They still have -10.

I always thought SI removed it as a hard coded and made it an editable field in the editor.
12 years ago
10 years ago
Sorry, I really thought that last one would work. I will look further into this for you when I have free time again.
18 years ago
3 months ago
Sorry, I really thought that last one would work. I will look further into this for you when I have free time again.

Thanks mate, much appreciated!
12 years ago
10 years ago
Haven't forgotten about this JL94x4, will have time tomorrow to have a proper look.
18 years ago
3 months ago
Cheers mate, been trying again to no avail. Really hope this can be done
12 years ago
10 years ago
There must be away, as it was created so there must be away to undo.
18 years ago
3 months ago
There must be away, as it was created so there must be away to undo.

The only thing i can think of is that its hard coded into the game and uneditable, i know it used to be like that but im sure they made it an edittable field in the last few FM's
12 years ago
10 years ago
yeah, before i know you could change nation rules, but you tryed this?
12 years ago
10 years ago
spent about an hour going back and forward i hate admitting defeat but really im clueless !

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