Metallic Logos Pack

Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.

  • 432,610
  • 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
Metallic Logos Pack

The Kraken
13 years ago
10 years ago
would it be possible for someone to do a youtube tutorial for creating the metallic logo`s in photoshop , i have CS5/Alien eye candy impact plugin and the metallic atn ? i have know idea how to make it work though .

this this tutorial is badly needed
The Kraken
13 years ago
10 years ago
Not one Reply ??? Very Disappointing!!!
18 years ago
6 years ago
I dont have any idea how to make videos and I dont have the time anyway - there are many vids on there however that tell you how to cut out pictures and get them presentable and thats after a quick 5 minute search.
18 years ago
5 days ago
18 years ago
6 years ago
I dont do any of that lol - far too complicated.

Any video showing you how to cut out an image using the magid wand will do - once thats done the action takes care of the rest.

Learning how to cut out images is the important part though so watch some vids and practise.
10 years ago
6 hours ago
How do make the logo look metallic
17 years ago
2 days ago
you need Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact for Metallic Logo.
10 years ago
6 hours ago
Ive got alien skin eye candy 7.1 mate

Just need help on how to make them
17 years ago
2 days ago
Ive got alien skin eye candy 7.1 mate

Just need help on how to make them

i dont, ask kenmen if you can!
10 years ago
6 hours ago
How do you make one with Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact
18 years ago
6 years ago
You just need to run the Metallic Action for the main ones, and the SI action for the backgrounds.
10 years ago
6 hours ago
were do i place these files
10 years ago
6 hours ago
Ive installed Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact but every time i run the metallic action it doesn't do anything...

Explain in more detail if you can
18 years ago
6 years ago
Here's my cut/n/paste intructions

All you need is some basic Photoshop knowledge and a plugin - believe me that if it was difficult to do i would'nt be doing them 

You will need to get hold of Alien Eyecady Impact v5/5.5. and install it first.

Here's some brief instructions for Photoshop CS2-5 (32bit version only)

Cut you logo, set the resolution to 108 px and size to 900 px high, save as png.

Run PS in 32 bit mode then run the metallic action which i have attached according to logo width - 900< = normal, 900-1249 width = wide, >1250 = v wide. You will need to change the output paths on the export bit so just double click on it and select you folder.

and thats it pretty much - once you get the hang of it you can run off batches of hundreds at a time if you so choose.

for backgrounds you will need SI's action which is also linked.
If you have installed it correctly you should see it when you open a file
10 years ago
6 hours ago
does it changed to metallic once you run it or will they be a option inside alien once you run it to change it to metallic?
10 years ago
6 hours ago
Am new to all this so if you could post a few more pics it would help a hell of a lot
18 years ago
6 years ago
I wish you would have told me this before - go to Youtube and study the basics of cutting and file handling as you cant go further without it tbh.
10 years ago
6 hours ago
Any tips on the best video to watch?
18 years ago
6 years ago
No idea as i've never watched them tbh - when I taught myself PS there was very little help available, and tbh if I can learn in my late 40's then I'm sure anyone can pick it up.

I use the Magic Wand tool a lot so this one should be a good place to start.
10 years ago
6 hours ago
That's what I use but theys always that one round logo you cut and leaves bits at the top bottom and round the sides
18 years ago
6 years ago
You need to adjust the tolerance depending on the depth of shading colours - alhtough the vid says 33, i use mostly 88-133 which gets rid of most rubbish quickly, but thats just the basics - i use that and combinations of the eraser tool, marqee tool, magnetic lasso or anything that does the job.

Remember though that it's mostly about experience - I've been doing this for around 8 years now and I still cant get a lot of things right, mostly the pen tool which comes in very handy sometimes.
10 years ago
6 hours ago
Pretty sure I've watched this video before but will give a watch tomoz then have a quick go.. Should have that logo pack ready for you by Saturday at the latest mate
13 years ago
8 months ago
No idea as i've never watched them tbh - when I taught myself PS there was very little help available, and tbh if I can learn in my late 40's then I'm sure anyone can pick it up.

I use the Magic Wand tool a lot so this one should be a good place to start.

Hey Kremmen, do you have any tip on picking the right setting for the mettalic brush overlay, i'm using imact 7 not 5 an the option dont seem to drop down in the attachment actions you uploaded. The cutting trimming etc and most basic edit i can get.

It jsut picking the right overlay settings to get a decent finish on the badges i'm struggling with, do you have a psd. halfdone i can look at or some advice please:?

heres my efforts before and after.. as it stands, i know the image looks a bit flat, but i can add shadow to the back later, its adivce on the effect im after, ig you can. -
18 years ago
6 years ago
Yeah it's pretty flat and the colour isa bit off, but basically correct so well done - thats almost exactly what i first came up with and it was only an accident with painting a car for another game that the Metallic logo was born

there's no PSD at all though - I cut the logo and resize it to 900 px height @108px resolution then apply a wide stroke to show up any tiny bits that may have been missed.

if you can figure out how to get the current V7 to give the same look i'm all ears btw .
18 years ago
6 years ago
In my own settings i have a bevelled edge that gives it that mock 3D look - not sure if thats possible in V7 though.
13 years ago
8 months ago
In my own settings i have a bevelled edge that gives it that mock 3D look - not sure if thats possible in V7 though.

Yeah, just started playing around with that, and emboss and under/overlay on the letters to kinda raise them up and give it a bit of 3-D to it.. you can see in the 2nd set of pictures i posted where i've bevelled/boosed the edge to get a lift.

Just trial and error i think for now, if I get a decent set of settings i'll let you know.

Do you add the bevel in Alien or PS?
18 years ago
6 years ago
In Eyecandy mate - just use a totally flat normal base so theoretically it can work with any program/addon in the future (well that was the original plan).
13 years ago
8 months ago
In Eyecandy mate - just use a totally flat normal base so theoretically it can work with any program/addon in the future (well that was the original plan).

Cheers, i just been using that for the metallic overlay, as i'm not to familiar with it, didnt seem to do much else at first glance (might just be 7) i'l play a bit further
13 years ago
8 months ago
In Eyecandy mate - just use a totally flat normal base so theoretically it can work with any program/addon in the future (well that was the original plan).

didnt even notice it had a bevel option lol. - B4 - After

getting there.
18 years ago
6 years ago
Also you need to take account of the per pixel resolution of the base logo as this does affect the bevel look - they have to be between 96-108 for a uniform look and then the action downsizes them to 72 which is the same as standard - hope that makes sense.

Once youve done that you just need to factor in the diferent sizes of logo and start ripping your hair out....

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