Extract to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Then go into the >>> Preferences / Interface <<< select the skin, Clear Cache,
untick >>> Use Caching To Decrease Page Loading Times <<< if it is ticked,
and then tick >>> Reload Skin When Confirming Changes In Preferences <<<
then click confirm and your changes should be applied.

As I have already said this is the most complete skin till now, skin with instant result button, new design, no crashes. I controlled every panel and there is no cutted letters, no bugs. Background packs working already, there is no need to put extra files, and background selector works in the same time, default opacity is 60%. Minimum recommended resolution is 1366x768, standard size 100% always. Higher resolution shows more panels and details.
12 years ago
7 years ago
only this Marko good job again i'm a fan from ur skin
13 years ago
2 months ago
Thank you mate, I'm glad!
17 years ago
2 months ago
I love your skins! but how can i change all the yellow text to a different colour?
13 years ago
2 months ago
I love your skins! but how can i change all the yellow text to a different colour?

Thanks! Go into the fonts folder and edit panel_title.xml file.
17 years ago
2 months ago
Thanks! Go into the fonts folder and edit panel_title.xml file.

Thanks it worked Can i change the red border at the very top too? how do i do it?
13 years ago
2 months ago
Yes, you can. How? Discover it.
Andrea S.S. LAZIO
11 years ago
5 years ago
great job marco. grande lavoro vecchio mio
13 years ago
2 months ago
Thanks. Grazie amico mio!
Deleted Account #337576
great skin once again
13 years ago
4 years ago
Vou usarla !!!
14 years ago
1 year ago
Posso scrivere in italiano che mi viene più facile?
Dunque ho riscontrato un errore, hai presente la schermata giocatore, i valori sono indicati da un pallino, verde per quelli bassini, blu per i medi e rosso per quelli alti.
Vado dunque su personalizza>interfaccia>colore skin per modificarli, e lì ci sono 4 tonalità, io per comodità metto in ordine rosso>arancione>giallino e bianco.
Però quando faccio salva, i pallini dei giocatori rimangono sempre come prima. Perché?
Si riesce in qualche modo a modificarli? Casomai dammi due dritte che me lo faccio anche
EDIT: il fatto è che ero abituato con la OPZ elite e mi disturba non poco il blu e il verde abbi pazienza
EDIT 2.0 english version: I found an error, in the player's screen the values are shown by a circle green for low, blue for medium and red for high. Then I go into Customize > interface> skin colour and there are 4 shades, I set in order red, orange, yellow and white. But when I save it, the circles of the players remain as before. Why? You can edit in any way? Can I have any suggestions to make it right? Thanks
14 years ago
6 days ago

What is the name font?
13 years ago
2 months ago
Posso scrivere in italiano che mi viene più facile?

No. Everyone must understand Go into Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 ultimate\settings and edit settings file, find those lines:
<colour name="low attribute background" red="22" green="22" blue="22"/>
<colour name="normal attribute background" red="15" green="81" blue="35"/>
<colour name="good attribute background" red="0" green="57" blue="115" />
<colour name="excellent attribute background" red="182" green="14" blue="22" />

What is the name font?

Gotham-Book and Swiss 921 BT.

p.s. thank you all
14 years ago
1 year ago
When I ticked "show recent attribute changes" there is a little bug in the circles
Another request: color of the attributes in the screen quality is white. I want to make them darker.
In "alavanja 14 ultimate settings" where is the line?
After this, it will be perfect. Thanks.

Edit: Where is the description "recognized as"?
13 years ago
2 months ago
It's not a bug, you can still see the numbers clearly. Post a picture of that screen quality because I don't know what you mean, and tell me where did you find that "recognized as"?
14 years ago
1 year ago
It's not a bug, you can still see the numbers clearly. Post a picture of that screen quality because I don't know what you mean, and tell me where did you find that "recognized as"?

I don't know how to say in english, because my FM is in italian, I put 2 screen
13 years ago
2 months ago
I understand, but I can't see a problem, there aren't cut numbers, just a little bit of boxes, and that 2 player profiles aren't the same.
16 years ago
6 days ago
It is an amazing skin. Thanks.

PS: Personally, I prefer a bigger match caption
17 years ago
3 years ago
Vortec Gaming
11 years ago
8 years ago
Is there a way of making the kits bigger in the Pitch Slit view? http://gyazo.com/362444f6d0c2630e4059d87ca8766808
13 years ago
3 years ago
I consider this to be a bug...names are not visible on match screen...perhaps the text outline is too much for the text weight? Otherwise this is fantastic!

13 years ago
2 months ago
Is there a way of making the kits bigger in the Pitch Slit view? http://gyazo.com/362444f6d0c2630e4059d87ca8766808

Yes, but I didn't do that because this skin is for lower resolution, too.

I consider this to be a bug...names are not visible on match screen...perhaps the text outline is too much for the text weight? Otherwise this is fantastic!


It's not a bug if you mean on team ratings panel, for other players you need to scroll down, and for long names you have 3 points and info button so I can't see what's wrong with that
P.s. thank you all!
12 years ago
4 years ago
I want to change atributs color in preferences but when i change and confirm nothing apens the color remain the same.
13 years ago
2 months ago
EDIT 2.0 english version: I found an error, in the player's screen the values are shown by a circle green for low, blue for medium and red for high. Then I go into Customize > interface> skin colour and there are 4 shades, I set in order red, orange, yellow and white. But when I save it, the circles of the players remain as before. Why? You can edit in any way? Can I have any suggestions to make it right? Thanks

You must to restore default colours in preferences/interface/skin colours and confirm, then do that again.

I want to change atributs color in preferences but when i change and confirm nothing apens the color remain the same.

Before that you must delete some panels first.
12 years ago
4 years ago
There is no other way? Because if i delete them the style changes and i like the other stlye but not yhe colors. :-)
13 years ago
2 months ago
I answered you on fm scout, but you had the post above about that colours.
13 years ago
3 years ago
It's not a bug if you mean on team ratings panel, for other players you need to scroll down, and for long names you have 3 points and info button so I can't see what's wrong with that

I meant the player name hovering over the player who has the ball currently. It's not easily visible.
Sorry I wasn't clear before. Check out the yellow box in this image: https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/gJNqT8on5SHFg5EQM4wLOVdCRfprMZyzRSRmVHx9.jpg
13 years ago
2 months ago

As you see everything is fine, try to restore default colours.
13 years ago
3 years ago
As you see everything is fine, try to restore default colours.

I've tried that and also cleared the cache et al. Could it be because of a difference in screen resolution? Perhaps you could point me to the corresponding files, I could tinker with them I guess...
14 years ago
3 years ago

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