10 years ago
7 years ago
Hello guys I need tips for a successful career with Leeds United. I know the team is utter crap so I'm not really sure how much you can straighten without selling. I seriously need any tips on good cheap players for Championship, tactics and who to sell.
Thanks, cheers.
Tyrion Lannister
12 years ago
5 years ago
hello mate. have you checked out my free transfer threads? if you don't fancy any of them, here are my recommendations.
transfer listed, look at these-

freddy adu
armin bacinovic
brian hamalainen
fillip djordevic
kim young-kwon
roger rojas

not listed, look at these-

craig alcock
callum Wilson
brett pitman
nacho cases
scott sutter
dean lewington
Robert green
agustin para
karim ansarifard
par hansson
lenny nangis
scott loach
khalfan Ibrahim
Jorge teixeira
alexander Milosevic
dusan kuciak
stefanos athanasiadis
anders Christiansen
eldin jakopovic
Bernard parker
cyrus Christie
luke freeman
ben pringle
Jiri kladrubsky
dejan mezga
Bruno montelongo
reece wabara
hamdan al-kamali
tim payne
stevie may
humam Tariq
lukas konigshofer
andreas ottl
callum Paterson
lee Wallace
Giancarlo gonzalez
knut olav rindaroy
nikola zigic
aaron taylor-sinclair
sinan gumus
pavel savitskiy
lukas spalvis
artur krysiak
sanjin prcic
fraiser aird
damian lizio
Christian derflinger
osamah mabrouk al-muwallad
adama soumaoro

not sure if all of these will get WP but they are all worth a look at under Ā£1m for leeds.
Tyrion Lannister
12 years ago
5 years ago
if I was managing leeds, I would be looking to get rid of pretty much all the over 30 year old players. most of them are dog shit.
10 years ago
7 years ago
hey mate, thank you for the list, i'll check them out. i agree with you over the 30 years old players, but can't say those under 30 are any better.
what leagues should i load to find most of these players?
Tyrion Lannister
12 years ago
5 years ago
I usually just load up England, Italy, Spain, Germany and France and play the top 2 leagues. England the top 4.

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