Grant Sim
12 years ago
2 years ago
Hi Guys,

Iv dowloaded a skin and as far as i can tell iv extracted it to the proper destination

Documents Sports Interactive Football Manager Skins.

When i load up FM & go to preferences to install the skin its not there from drop down menu?

Iv tried other skins to see if it was just an issue with a skin but the same things happens.

Iv also tried creating graphics folder with Skins and putting it in there and again no skin to select from drop down menu.

All my other graphics that iv installed have worked fine.

If you could advise me on this it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
14 years ago
17 hours ago
Have you tried restarting the game to see if it shows? I'm guessing you are but if all other graphics are working fine its hard to see what the problem is really.

The correct path is this i believe /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/skins

Which it appears you are using so i'm not too sure.
Grant Sim
12 years ago
2 years ago

Yeah i have tried that can't for the life of me figure out why it won't show... nightmare

Thanks for trying to help though appreciated
17 years ago
15 hours ago
What game version are you using? What skin(s) are you trying to use?
Grant Sim
12 years ago
2 years ago
Hi there,

What do you mean what game version (Excuse my ignorance) & the skins I'm trying are Scorpio Omega & CL2014

IF you could help me out it'd be much appreciated

17 years ago
15 hours ago
FM's game version its listed on your home screen in bottom right corner, not only this its also listed in the title when in preferences menu.

The only thing that comes to mind is the game version isn't the latest, if so then you need to update to the latest version via steam. If this is not the case then try searching for those skins again, making sure you have the newest versions of them. Sometimes the skins that are found in steam workshop haven't been updated to run with the newest version of FM.

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