Adam Eaton
12 years ago
6 years ago
Hopefully this is the right place to ask this question, but ...

Does anyone know how to change the save location of the game.

My laptop has limited memory so would rather save to my external hard drive as I do every other year, however I've not noticed the option to change where the game saves to in Preferences.

Can any one help?



Gary Davies
12 years ago
1 month ago
Why dont you just save your game to the cloud. Thats an option now
14 years ago
12 hours ago
Think this is what you mean.

How to change the Sports Interactive folder location [Universal]

To change the location of your Sports Interactive folder which contains save games, graphics and other files you need to add a command line to the game launch options.

To do this follow the instructions below:

- First of all create the folder in the location you want it to be
- Go into Steam and right-click on the game.
- Select 'Properties'
- Click 'Set Launch Options...'
- Copy the following into the dialogue box: --user_data_location="path"
- In the "path" section, enter the exact path where you created your folder.

The next time you launch the game, your Sports Interactive files will be saved to this folder.
15 years ago
6 months ago
in addition to VP's have to create the directory first before you direct steam to it

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