Hello Everyone,

I've found a shockingly low amount of TRUE North Korea in FM and most of the editor files just portray a league and 1 cup.
Obviously this is a disservice to the great footballing nation of North Korea.
So I decided to wade through north korean news websites and obscure football forums to gives you a more accurate portrayal of the "Highest Class Football League".

in-game structure (from a mix of the 2014 and 2015 season information):
  • The Highest class football league (main domestic league, final competition of the season)]
  • 12 teams
  • Round robin once
  • 1st is champion
  • 2 relegate directly
  • 1 Continental spot for the champion (group phase AFC cup)
  • Mangyongdae Prize Sports games (main domestic cup, first competion of the season)
    • 2 phases
    • 1st phase: 2 groups (16 each), round robin once, top 4 progress to 2nd phase (1st phase is fictional)
    • 2nd phase: Knock-out cup.
    • 1 continental spot for the winner (Play off spot AFC cup)
  • Sports Contest for Pochonbo Torch Prize(secondary domestic cup, 2nd competition of the season)
    • 2 groups (6 each), round robin once, top 2 of each group qualifies for semi-finals
    • from the semi-finals onwards its a knock-out.
  • Torch Cup (secondary domestic cup, 3rd competition of the season)
    • 2 groups (6 each), double round robin, top 2 of each group qualifies for semi-finals
    • from the semi-finals onwards its a knock-out.
    Don't forget to add key staff and add players to playable teams
    Feel free to report any issues you find, feedback is always welcome.
    Original Topic at SIgames

    Known issues/notes:
    April 25 seems OP, none of its values have been improved though, that is how powerful they are according to SI.
    April 25 does seem to dominate the north korean league, but if people want it i'll see about toning them down a bit.
    Sobaeksu is actually April 25's B team, this is reflected in the file
    Amnokgang/Amrokgang spellings are both used, Amnokgang seems more common.
  • Comments
    18 years ago
    1 month ago
    Cannot recommend using this file more. Lots of good work and if you have any suggestions get in contact with Elvt112. Top work fella.

    Use this in conjunction with the file too.


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