As with most recent Football Managers for you to make certain changes in Football Manager 2019 Touch you need to create a new skin. As nearly all of the files for the Touch Mode are contained with the files for the Touch Skins most changes for the Touch Mode will require the use of a custom skin.

So to make things easier for people I've put up some base skins that are identical to the default skins that come with the game, so you can add new files/graphics to these without messing up the original skins, and anything that isn't located in these new skin folders will be taken from the default locations within the game.

However I don't really use the Touch mode and with it now getting patched separately I'm not always able to keep up with it so the Touch Mode Skins this year are fairly basic and you'll need to extract the font files and settings yourself if you wish to alter them.

Also the download includes each of the four Touch Mode Base Skins you just need to select the one you want to use after you have downloaded the file and install that one.

For Football Manager 2019 Touch you have four skins to choose from a Dark one and a Retro one pluse Touchscreen versions for both of them.

Base Touch - Dark - (basetouch_dark folder) This is the Dark Base Skin for the FMT (Touch) Mode and is identical in appearance to the Football Manager Touch - Dark Skin.

Base Touch - Retro - (basetouch_retro folder) This is the Retro Base Skin for the FMT (Touch) Mode and is identical in appearance to the Football Manager Touch - Retro Skin.

Base Touch - Touchscreen Dark - (basetouch_dark tablet folder) This is the Dark Base Skin for the FMT (Touch) Mode and is identical in appearance to the Football Manager Touch - Touchscreen Dark Skin.

Base Touch - Touchscreen Retro - (basetouch_retro tablet folder) This is the Retro Base Skin for the FMT (Touch) Mode and is identical in appearance to the Football Manager Touch - Touchscreen Retro Skin.

Install Instructions:

When you extract the file you have downloaded you should have four folders (with a name starting basetouch...) and a readme.txt file.

First pick which version of the Touch Base Skin you wish to use and then copy the folder into your skins folder within your User Data Location, by default this is:

For Windows:
C:\Users\[Your Windows Username]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2019 Touch\

For Mac:
/Users/[Your Mac Username]/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2019 Touch/

For Linux:
/home/documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2019 Touch/

If done right your skins folder should look something like this:

And inside for example the basetouch_retro folder you should have the following folders:

When you load the game up if the skin cache is off any skins in the skins folder should appear in the skins menu like the below image:

If the skin cache is on you'll need to turn it off, exit the Preferences menu and re-enter it and any new skins should appear, if not tick 'Always Reload Skin on Confirm' and change skins, click confirm and go back in and your skin should appear.

How To Stop the Blurring Effect when Processing

FM2016 introduced a new feature where when the main screen isn't the focus of the screen it blurs out, however if you don't like this effect it is simple enough to disable it, to do this simply browse to the following location within the Base Skin you are using:


Inside will be a paper.xml file open that and locate this line:

<boolean id="blurred" value="true"/>

and change it to read:

<boolean id="blurred" value="false"/>

Then reload the skin and the background content should now be clearer.

Terms of use

These skins can be used for any purpose as long as its non-commerical (i.e. you don't charge people to use them, or don't make money directly from using them).
You are free to modify these skins or reuse the xml files for any non-commerical purpose, all I ask is you include a credit to me. (michaeltmurrayuk)

Redistribution terms:

1. They are not sold or behind a paywall.
2. You don't advertise them as being exclusive to your website.
3. My username and blog address are included:
jamie marris
10 years ago
9 months ago
Will this,or will there be any touch skins to use on ipad version of fmt19 to get graphics on?
10 years ago
24 minutes ago
Will this,or will there be any touch skins to use on ipad version of fmt19 to get graphics on?

Same question from me. I did manage to use kits/player pics and badges in FMT 18 (ios) iPad version. There was a link somewhere to a Korean site and somebody gave the links to the right files.

Sam F
7 years ago
4 years ago
How does one update the attribute colors using these new skins? I added the below code to the settings file under "Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2019 Touch\skins\basetouch_retro\settings" to no affect...

<colour name="low attribute" red="250" green="250" blue="250"/>
<colour name="normal attribute" red="250" green="250" blue="250"/>
<colour name="good attribute" red="159" green="220" blue="122"/>
<colour name="excellent attribute" red="255" green="0" blue="0"/>

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