Youth rating affects how good the youth players are that come through the youth systems of their clubs. For example, the highest youth ratings in the unedited database are nations like England, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Serbia. With this database, even nations like San Marino and Gibraltar will spawn world class regens from time to time. You won't notice a huge difference if you only load one or two playable/viewable nations in your database. For the best results, load at least 7 or 8. Obviously this will work nicely if you load a bunch of smaller nations too rather than just the big nations.
DOWNLOAD PAGE - https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/9u95mc/all_nations_have_200_youth_rating_download/
USE THE ABOVE DOWNLOAD LINK FOR 1/25/50/75/100/125/150/175 IN ADDITION TO 200 YA.
DOWNLOAD PAGE - https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/9u95mc/all_nations_have_200_youth_rating_download/
USE THE ABOVE DOWNLOAD LINK FOR 1/25/50/75/100/125/150/175 IN ADDITION TO 200 YA.
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Would it make sense to set all to 150 for example?
or does it no work like that??
Gareth Jenkinson