14 years ago
11 years ago
So, I've download all packs, and I've extracted to the right folders and ticked/unticked what is necessary. When I open the game, the images load properly, everything is fine. When I save and comeback to play, the images are not loaded.

I thought it was a one time thing, searched for a solution. So I went to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013 and I've deleted the whole folder.

Started the game again, and the logos are all loaded again. I play, save, quit. I start again the game and the images are not loaded again.

When I delete de folder in roaming it backs all to default settings and it's boring to tick/untick again everything. I would love to know a solution for my problem.

Thanks in advance!

PS: reload skin is ticked and use cache is unticked!
12 years ago
11 years ago
tick "use cache".

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