16 years ago
1 day ago
Maybe a stupid question, but is there any way to force a specific person being loaded into the game?

I know we can choose countries or regions and players with certain reputation etc. But is there any way to maybe edit something in the editor to load just that one person instead of having to choose an option which loads extra 10-15 000 people and slows the game down?

Specific example - I want an Italian physio called Simone Folletti loaded in my save. But it's impossible to get him unless I choose to load every player with Italian nationality. I tried giving him max reputation in the editor, selecting huge database, etc. and still nothing. Some other Italian staff with same rep and ability are loaded every time, but he isn't unless I select all players with Italian nationality which then gives me a save with 60.000+ people. Normally I want 20-25k.
14 years ago
17 hours ago
Can you not just add him to a club with the editor.
16 years ago
1 day ago
Can you not just add him to a club with the editor.
Yeah, wanted to be more realistic, but I guess that's what I'll have to do.
15 years ago
5 hours ago
or set a future transfer he will show then

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