Il forum footballmanagergame.forumcommunity.net presenta questo database dove verranno generati dal gioco dei regens provenienti da tutto il mondo, inoltre corretti il nome, lo stadio e campo d'allenamento della Juventus.
The footballmanagergame.forumcommunity.net forum presents this database where regens from all over the world will be generated from the game, in addition to correcting the name, stadium and training ground of Juventus
credit: footballmanagergame.forumcommunity
The footballmanagergame.forumcommunity.net forum presents this database where regens from all over the world will be generated from the game, in addition to correcting the name, stadium and training ground of Juventus
credit: footballmanagergame.forumcommunity
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hi 1 question, where do I have to find these regens?