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I will manually update your account
your shop orders look like this
@TyWalls @Footygamer
I changed Tywalls to having premium but twice it has reverted back to ordinary membership?
Looks like there were notifications of failed payments that were resetting it.
Just checking to see if there was any fix yet? Just tried to download a full pack but it wants me to pay again. Thanks! @Footygamer @kingrobbo
Sorry @TyWalls it looks like you made multiple payments i've refunded one and the refund keeps resetting it.
It should be fixed now, but if it ever happens again you can go here; https://sortitoutsi.net/shop and click “Refresh” next to the Active order and it will refresh your premium status.
No worries Mate, It didnt seem to work but just went a “Refreshed” it and it says i have a premium membership and let me quick download a pack so all is good. Thanks Mate @Footygamer
It might have reset again as you do not show as premium for me
@Footygamer @kingrobbo
On jan 20th I payed 10£ for the premium membership. It worked for a download, but its not working for other downloads. In my orders tab it says: UNKOWNINCOMPLETEEXPIRED when i press refresh it does nothing. Can you check please? Thanks very much!
I've manually updated you now
I downloaded another megapack and lost the status again…?
@manuelalmeida try the above if no joy wait for input from footygamer
Hello! My yearly premium membership renewed a few months ago in November 2024 and i was charged. However, my FM download pages are indicating that im not and i cant access those downloads. Can you assist? Thank you
Nevermind, i think i was able to refresh as was listed below. Thank you
Kirukato Kashiarikutomorukimi
I was approved for premium membership but the premium database update doesn't give me some of the players you added, like I have the basic update or something is wrong...
@Kirukato Kashiarikutomorukimi
try the above if no joy wait for input from footygamer
you should have tagged him initially you are asked to read the opening post before posting
Kirukato Kashiarikutomorukimi
I was approved for premium membership, but the premium database update doesn't give me some of the players you added, like I have the basic update or something is wrong… @Footygamer
What do you mean by doesn't give some of the players? Can you name specific players?
Kirukato Kashiarikutomorukimi
Jan mlakar and nazariy rusyn loan in hajduk split croatia @Footygamer
Hi @Footygamer, there is an issue with premium memberships, I have one and I cannot download any large files like faces or icons, because there is an error page, it's like my subscription is not valid…
@MM2109 should be fixed now
thanks it's working now 🙂
Ahmed Tazeem Turag
Hello I recently tried to get a sub for Classic FM updates, but my payment was declined from both direct creditcard or link. I know my link account and payment method works with chatgpt since I am sub there. I am using Amex and I do not have anyother card and do not have access to paypal.
Hello, I paid for the premium subscription. Even though 48 hours have passed, No order was found in your account. Please place an order. message appears, can you help me? @Footygamer @kingrobbo
@ieskiciler fixed 🙂
thank you for your attention @Footygamer
Torin Barrett
Hi, I got a charge on my card yesterday for FM24 premium but I never signed up for this, I’ve only ever downloaded free things and never paid for a subscription on here is there anyone that could help
you are asked to read the opening post
I will @Footygamer for you
I signed up for something today which gave me premium membership. It said it was 67p or something. I have been charged £10 and would like a refund I am very short of money and would never of paid this much. if it was 67p a month and didn’t take the whole £10 I would be ok with that. I didn’t see anything about its £10 immediately then a test subscription .
Thank you.
Fair enough that you don't have any money and perhaps has misunderstood the payment, but you have downloaded a hole bunch of stuff using your premium account 🤷♂️
Yes I did as iv only just started playing the game. I had no idea that membership made it possible for me to download all that. I could of got most of those things for free on other sites. i thought I was agreeing to just 67p. For 1 particular thing I really wanted. Can’t recall what it was now. I’m happy to re sign up once I get paid on 18th but really need to refund as am really short this month.