4 years ago
2 years ago

Hi having issue uploading the face and logo packs to fm23, other packs worked. I can get into file to see content but when i reload skin ingame it wont work. Can anyone help please?

12 years ago
2 days ago
By adamenright 09 January 2023 - 13:41 PM UTC 

Hi having issue uploading the face and logo packs to fm23, other packs worked. I can get into file to see content but when i reload skin ingame it wont work. Can anyone help please?


Are you clearing the cache before reloading the skin? If not, you need to clear the cache in game. 


If you are combining various different packs, they need to be located in separate folders, as combining all of the files into one folder and only using one config file would only show one set of images. 


If you DM me a screenshot of your folder structure I can help out. 


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