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If you are having trouble installing our Football Manager Transfer Update or any other Football Manager Database then please read everything below.
The guide is split into two sections, the basic installation instructions, which should be very simple for 99% of users and some common mistakes and issues. Please make sure to read the guide in full and check you're not making any of the common mistakes before commenting asking for help.
Extra: What to do if you're missing January transfers like Ronaldo, Enzo Fernandez etc
If you're missing transfers from January that means your copy of FM isn't up to date. Update it through Steam or whatever other platform you're using. When starting a new save make sure that it says 23.4 in the top right.
If you are using a cracked or pirated version of FM our update will not work, there is no way to make it work, do not ask for help with a cracking or pirated version you will be banned.
How to download and extract the Football Manager Data Update
- First download the Data Update. You will then be presented with a “zip” file to save somewhere on your computer
- Extract the zip file
- Mac: Usually you can just double click on it.
- Windows: Right click on the file and click “Extract All”
- You should then be presented with a folder that contains files named “.fmf”. In some cases you might be presented with just a single “.fmf” file not in any folders.
- Move the “.fmf” files to your “editor data” folder. See below for where this folder is located on different systems
- Make sure to put the “.fmf” files themselves directly in the “editor data” folder. You cannot have any sub folders within the “editor data” folder.
Windows: Where to put Football Manager Data Updates on Windows
The default path on Windows is:
Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/editor data
Obviously change the year to whatever version of the game you're playing.
Mac: Where to put Football Manager Data Updates on Mac
The default path on Mac is:
/Users/yourname/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/editor data
Obviously change the year to whatever version of the game you're playing.
This can be difficult to find on Mac using Finder, use the following steps to easily find this folder:
a) Open Finder
b) Click “Go” from the menubar and select “Go to Folder” (alternatively press Shift+CMD+G)
c) Copy in the following: ~/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/
d) Open the folder for you game e.g: “Football Manager 2023”
e) Open the “editor data” folder (or create it if it doesn't exist)
f) Move the “.fmf” files into the ”editor data" folder
By default in Finder the path is not shown. Click “View” > “Show Path Bar” in Finder and the full path will now be shown at the bottom of every Finder window.
How to find and change your “editor data” folder in Football Manager
Below you will find the default paths, but not everyone's installation is the same. The easiest way to be sure is to check in Football Manager itself.
- Open Football Manager and click “Preferences”
- Search “Location” at the top and you should see a path, stupidly FM has bad UI and you can't read the whole path.
- Click “Change Folder” and click the dropdown at the top and it should display the whole path.
- If you do wish to change the location you can do so here, but if you're struggling to install a file and asking for help this may confuse the situation.
- There is a reset button to the right of where it says “Change Folder” click this if you're unsure if you've changed it.
Common Mistakes
Not extracting the zip
The “.zip” file should not be in your “editor data” folder. You must extract the zip file. If you are seeing a .zip file in your editor data folder instead of .fmf files then you're doing it wrong.
Do not use sub folders
Your “editor data” folder should never have sub folders.
Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/editor data/new leagues/France.fmf BAD
Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/editor data/France.fmf GOOD
Sometimes when you download a file it will be organised in sub folders like “Football Manager 2023/editor data” already. Make sure to copy just the “.fmf” and not all the sub folders.
Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/editor data/Football Manager 2023/editor data//Data Update.fmf BAD
Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/editor data/Data Update.fmf GOOD
Having “public” folders
For some reason some people have duplicate folders under a parent folder called “public”. I'm not sure why this is, but sometimes it can cause problems. Check if you have the files under a folder folder called “Public” or “Public Documents” and move them to the correct path instead.
Here's some examples.
Users/Public/Public Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/editor data BAD
Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/editor data GOOD
/Users/yourname/Public/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/editor data BAD
/Users/yourname/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/editor data GOOD
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Giannis Spinos
Good evening everyone, noob question here: Will the fm24 update work on an older fm game, fm 2020 for example?
Hi I don't have the correct data path you list. I;m on a Mac, there's no ‘library’ folder - the editor data file is in the ‘public’ path and doesn't show up when I load the game.
Can I use the real name fix with this data update? Without any issues/crashes etc
Hello I really need some help because when im in the game and want to start a save the editor files dont show up in fm. What should I do??
What you should do is: Check if you follow every step correctly.
Anyway, how about other files? Other custom data updates, graphics,… anything works in your games?
I have followed the steps and i have downloaded face packs logos kits and they work but it doesnt show me the editor data files in game
May provide some screenshots about where you put the editor data files?
Try if other editor data files work?
So, are you sure this is “/Users/<YOUR NAME>/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/editor data”?
Can't see from the screenshot…
You should have mentioned that it's Epic Games, which is different and... strange.
Ok thank you should i buy the next game on steam instead
Just paid my £5 and got the file, thank you very much.
In the optional dynamic data folder there is a file called “Classic FM - Non Dynamic Data.fmf” - do i use that one if i don't want the dynamic update?
Also, if i don't use any of the dynamic files will players CA/PA still be updated?
Chris Lovejoy
I have also paid the £5 and not sure on this file. Either way I cant get it to move past the loading database screen.
O. A.
Does the data update change player contracts -1 and ages to +1 ? if not can ı combine it with another mod from the fm24 to 25 dlc ?
So, you've all the files ready... then just create a new game without any custom stuff, and take a note on a few players, so you can compare with other results later.
Then create another new game with "+1 Age and Contract Years" (or whatever) enabled, and see what it does for you (the name speaks for itself anyway, but always good to experiment!) on the same players.
Last but not least, create a new game with "FM24 to 25 DLC", and check if those files work alright together, or may cause conflicts.
It takes you 30 minutes to find out all the answers.
Hi quick question which file is just the daily transfer update with out all the league changes and other stuff like contract changes hope that makes sense i just want to update the transfer side all the rest i have with other addons thanks all
Leonardo de Oliveira Benedito
Just installed my FM24 and tried to update the transfers but it is not working here.
After finalize all the steps and start a new game, no new database is available. Anyone knows how to fix it ?
Mattias Hall
May I suggest that instead only removing a year on every players contract length, that you also edit the year of all contracts actually signed in 2023. That would change the ability to sign a player that moved last year (that in the updated version now has played a full year for their club). Right now, all those players aren't inclined to move since they've “just joined their club”.
jack milward
Hello all, I have downloaded and tried to run as posted in here. Still no squads available when launching the game. I use the editor sometime so not sure if this is impacting it. I am using a Mac and they are .fmf files. Please help
Hello All - have done the same as Jack; have downloaded the file and follow all instructions. i paid 5GBP for the enhanced version (Classic FM 03/02/2025) version. Still doesnt seem to be working for me - also am using a MAC.
Screenshot below.
Any help would be great.
Joakim Ness
Hi man!
I have exactly the same problem! Same folders you are using today, but when im opening the game there is no update files there. My friend tryed exactly the same on hes windows pc, and its working there, but not on my mac. Let me know if you know how to fix this! now that FM25 is not coming, we need to play the 24 with update
Joakim Ness
I actualy fixed it! Had to Watch 20 YouTube video before understand it. «Finder» «go» on top, push «option» button on youre Keybord. Then the magic «Library» suddenly pop up. Go in there and you find every FM files and drop youre game editor files in there.
Shaun Bailey
hello how can I cancel a subscription if I used credit card and not PayPal? I cannot seem to locate the option via my profile?
Ryan Burgess
On a mac. How do I stop it going to the public folder? Been trying for hours and at a loss.
I have purchased the update pack and I have an issue with English teams promotions and relegations not updated.
Note the player transfers are completely updated no issues there at all. Just the English teams are in the state the FM2024 has them.
Every other league I select the teams are fine.
I noticed that there were two different files for England one Classic FM - England (Club).fmf and one Classic FM - England (League).fmf, should both be kept?
Or what could be wrong with my files ?
since i have installed the update Paok, the team that win the champion 2022-23 in greece, does not have a european ticket in the summer of 2023.
how can it be that e.g. Rashford is not on loan at Aston Villa? if, for example, I just download the one called Update FM24, he is still in the man utd and has not been unborrowed, and if I download the one called Classic FM where you pay £5 for, is it a mistake or
Cameron Aitken
Hey, I cannot get this to work at all. When I follow the steps and load into a game it still has Varane, WanBisakka etc at Man Utd.
I am loading the game in normal career, not real time etc.
No clue what is going wrong .
Screenshots attached