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Sir Raffiej
Hi everyone,
I have been making Legends of football that has been retired in football manager into wonderkids.
It was purely for my own satisfaction but now i am thinking about sharing it to the FM community.
I would like to have everyone's thoughts about it and some suggestions maybe.
I dont like double players or duplicates in my game so there wonĀ“t be example: Guardiola as a wonderkid and as a Coach!!
So legends that has any role in Football manager in game I wonĀ“t make as a wonderkid.
So likes of Beckham Del Piero Ronaldo Gullit Robben Okocha etc etc will NOT be available.
At the moment I am making 1 Legend by Nation and also start only making Attack minded players at first (there will be a few that have a other position)
The list at the moment =
Argentina - Maradona
Brasil - Ronaldinho
Chili - Zamorano
Colombia - Valderrama
Paraguay - Chilavert
Netherlands - Cruijff
Portugal - Figo
Italy - Baggio
France - Cantona
Japan - Nakata
The players will have the age of their first debut season they played in real life.
This is awesome, where did you get the facepack for figo? its exactly what Ive been looking for!
Also a regen team of ronaldo,shevchenko, figo, beckham, zidane, kaka, ronaldinho, ballack, makelele, roberto carlos, john terry,maldini, phillip lahm, casillas.is the stuff of dreams!!
maybe you can do legendary teams? like the original galacticos, mourinhos chelsea, ancellotis milan etc.
you could ask people to donate aswell.
We've had a couple of projects posted about this already and plans to make an online form similar to the data update.
I had a feeling SI removed the Wonderkids feature from the game but maybe I'm misremembering or they bought it back.
Check these threads:
hariz zakwan
MajesticEternity has made Legendary wonderkids, and sad he didn't make for 2022 and 2023, So I make a update by myself.
Sir Raffiej
Hi bajanpaul,
I got it from internet digging up some sites etc. I need to look up exactly who are the authors.
I cut the size myself of the photos to look perfect in FM
Sir Raffiej
Yeah I like what u mean, but what I said in my message I donĀ“t do duplicates. Example one of my idols is Ronaldo Ā“R9Ā“ but in FM he is an owner of a club.
So I canĀ“t/wonĀ“t touch him.
I only make wonderkids who are retired in the FM DB.
Ronaldo is owner, Sheva is a coach, Beckham is owner, Zidane is a coach, roberto carlos is a director, terry is a coach, maldini is a director I also love these players but they are all in game with a purpose so I won't touch them š¢
The idea of a donation I never thought of that So thanks for that.
I am new to this kind of process. I always did edits personally for me alone and never put something online.
It would be a great motivation to do alot more players if people will donate because I don't have alot of time doing this. So great idea š
Sir Raffiej
Thanks I will check this out
Would you do some requests for a donation?
Sir Raffiej
I would like some suggestions it will motivate me to do more!
hariz zakwan
So, I decided to make an update by myself.
Sir Raffiej
FM23 Legends Wonderkids - Football Manager Databases - Editor Data Files - FM23 - Football Manager 2023 (sortitoutsi.net)
Sir Raffiej