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They have been superb and in Bonmatí have a little genius in the middle, very well done to them
Terribly sad news for the Spain captain Olga Carmona who scored the winner , but was told after the game that her father had died.
That is just heartbreaking for her and her family
Bielsa is a legend
Nice words @kingrobbo , we were 2nd best all over the pitch, only Earps and Carter stood out.
I often wonder if our media build hopes up too much, the team seemed nervous and never really got going.
Spain grew into the tournament, a little bit like Germany tended to do in the mens game.
back to the mens team in Germany now, not holding my breath though
well done spain
IMO Carter has been superb but Hemp has been England's best player, very underrated as she isnt the make up covered poster girl type
my team of the WC
pace and energy all over the pitch, and the midfield would be something special