The Jimbo Skin is an advanced version of the default FM24 Skin. Inspired by the Kojuro Skin.
The creation of the Jimbo Skin came about because I couldn't find a skin I really liked. So I started tinkering with a skin I liked (the Kojuro Skin), first for personal use, adding features to others I liked as I went along.
But being a streamer on Twitch, people were interested in my tweaked skin.
So the Skin is back for FM24, with a few additions I wanted to make to the FM23 version.
Update 3.0.1
- Add "Congratulate" and "Criticize" buttons when selecting several players on the Individual Training Page
- Add attributes on the scout card in the Scout Center
- Fixed scout rating in view lists
- Fixed the panel name appearing twice in the Player Profile page
The main new feature in version 3.0 is the introduction of background transparency. Now you can enjoy your pretty backgrounds on this version (see the image on the Club Page to see the effect).
The Steam Workshop link is finally available!
• The Home page is adjustable on the last 3 columns (vertically)
• The Tactics page, with the position ease pie included.
• The Player page, with a lot of information available (see the corresponding image for more details)
• The Club page, with a lot of useful information (see corresponding image for more details)
• Small redesign of the Match Page
• Small redesign of the Staff Page
• Instant Result button included (the one from before the match)
• And also available in the Skin, the percentage for fitness and form, as well as fatigue (to know if your player can keep up with the matches, physically and mentally)
Those who inspired me to create this Skin. Thanks to them for their work:
- Kojuro Skin
- FME skin by Zealand
- AlexMorak FM22 Skin
- FLAYUS skin 22
- Flut Skin
- Instant Result Skin by bluestillidie00
- michaeltmurrayuk for FM22 Base Skin
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Dark mode to this skin make this skin 10/10.
Very good Skin. For me, the best.
It's a nice theme, it would be even better if the background wasn't transparent.
Many thanks for your work, this is absolutely amazing. Looks great and exactly what, I feel, makes the game better. The transparency backgrounds is magic. Thanks again. For me this is the best looking skin.
it's only transparent if you use a background pack
Awesome work, I love the transparency and being able to see background images. Very neat design as well
sorry it works now , dont know what happend.
all good and the best skin
Many thx
Thanks for the skin, been looking for a good one like this. 👍
I love the skin amazing work!! Is there any way I can make the player profile picture smaller?
Could anyone tell me what I need to edit within the skin to make these stars look like the rest? Cheers.
Seems you have achieved what I wanted which was to have the original sidebar etc but I want it with the original purple colour. Any chance you could tell me how to do that.
Is the any way to make the player pictures smaller on this skin?
Søren Bojsen
Great skin mate. Any way of changing the atributes colors back to the standard, where they go from red (low) to green (high)?
Hi. Are you the person who creates skins for Football Manager 24? I am looking for a person who would be able to make one of the skins so that the appearance of the squad selection, i.e. the selection of a player for the match, would be the same as it was in Championship Manager 03/04, i.e. names vertically and horizontally in two rows, and not as is the case in each row. FM skin. Would you be able to do something like that?
Hi mate, class skin! Is there anyway to make the player pictures smaller? Thanks
Great skin, favourite yet on FM24. Anyway to get attributes to show on the scouting cards? Thanks
Great work, thank you for your efforts. Favourite skin for me so far but I want to ask something. I heard that but couldn't find anything about it, in this year's game scout reccomendation bar/tab (which is shown as A+, B- etc.) is not on the game. If it is possible, can you add it in the next updates? I'm sure that this feature is very important for most of the people who plays the game. Also additional view packs are not working with any of the skins so it is not a solution for me.
Yeah, I've seen that with my viewset, when I import it there's no scout rating and on top of that I had a bug. But I've also seen that even on the basic skin you can't add it to the views.
For the moment I'm fixing the problem that my skin has with displaying the scout rating (which even on the default shortlist view was broken).
Yes, even in the basic skin it causes an error while trying to add custom view. I guess we have to wait for now. Thank you for your response.
the greatest skin for FM24 so far
only problem for me, the title bar for clubs not accurate
for example:
Flamingo (Red background and white text instead of Black)
Wolverhampton (Orange background and white text too instead of black)
Brazil (Yellow and white)
Tottenham (Gray and White) Not (White and Navy)
can be this sorted?
in fact, that's the colour the game uses by default for text, I didn't touch that, the grey instead of white is just that the colours are darker for less contrast problems
I tested Andromeda skin, the right colours are showns
my be in Jimbo skin u took the main colour plus 3rd colour for each club (may be called the outline in editor)
i would appreciate it if u can help over it..
thank u (again) very much after all nice work.. very clean and tidy
I think you've misread me, because I never said it was a bug. It's just the game's default text colour.
I could change it to match a club's secondary colour, but that would create legibility problems with a lot of clubs (like the image I attached to this message).
So I'm doing as those who created the official skin of the game, I do the solution of the least worst.
I'm sorry, I'd have liked to do like some skins but with some clubs it's hard to read well (even if I recognise that the default white is hard to read on white/grey backgrounds).
daniel beechey
Just two things I'm going to request/ask if there's a way for me to do it myself:
As I said if this isn't possible but there is a way somehow of me doing this myself for my own files I'm more then happy to do that
You can change the colour of the attributes in the game settings (Prefernces>Advanced>Most Common>"Custom Skin Colour").
For the colour of the Premier League, you need to find a fix for the colour of the leagues. Available on the internet I think.
Hello, I reset the caches and now I get this and I do not know how to fix it, uninstall and install, delete the folders in %appdata% and nothing, I change it to how I had it and after the day is changed again and I do not want to delete the game, if someone could help me please.
hello, I have a problem, before I had the transparent background, and now that I reinstalled the game, I have the backgrounds but I don't see the stadium from far away, can anyone help me?
bellissima skin
Manuel Frembs
Hi Manager, how can I change this white text into Black? Which panel and where is this? It is only the half-time screen…