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I had an idea on making an editor file when I buy myself a copy of this year's FM that will make it so ethnic football clubs around the world will produce newgens from the nations the clubs represent.
I'm doing some research at the moment on diaspora clubs and I'm quite shocked by the number of them, especially in Australia alone!
Wikipedia article on diaspora clubs around the world
I was wondering if anybody on the forum knew any ethnic teams from their region and we could compile a list.
I found this great forum post from an Australian soccer website where posters are listing different clubs in Australia and the different nations they represent and it's very interesting to see all of them.
Here's a sample of some of the Australian teams listed in this thread
There are a lot more just in the game than I realised.
My spreadsheet is now huge.
Here's the file for what I have completed so far.
My process is to create a region that is located in the ethnic nation then duplicate club city and place the specific club in the newly duplicated city.
I like this, can i have your spreadsheet?
I play this game for years with kind of the same approach as you. Looking at geographically/ politically interstering clubs
keep it up
I think it adds a lot of character to a save when there some kind of identity built around a club that makes saves interesting.
There's a guy who made a spreadsheet of all the teams that are hardcoded with some regen data so it corelates to the ethnic clubs I was looking up for this project. A lot of them already produce foreign regens but they need to loaded in your save for it to be noticeable.
Wow, this is amazing! Thanks for sharing. I like your databases you uploaded here. I upload my Luxembourg team that plays in the Netherlands 2nd divison. You might like that!
Oh that was you? I didn't notice until now but it seems like a really good and fun idea.