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This carreer is heavily inspired by this story (which I just finished reading), which in turn follows this challenge. I have adapted it slightly by updating the tiers to 2024 and adding a few non-FIFA nations to the challenge, which must be cleared first before reaching the FIFA nations.
I imagined that this might take quite a few in-game years and therefore multiple managers, so right now I decided to start with this fella:
As I write this while I'm writing my thesis, I cannot make any promises regarding schedules, but I hope I can play a season before June ends (no promises though). Starting in the Martiniquois 2nd League, here are my boys:
Lots of players - I decided to use the resources I had at hand since we're predicted to top the league (and I think I deactivated first transfer-window moves anyway). I have the second fiddle playing reserves, hoping someone will impress me. By the way, my style of management might be euphemistically described as ‘hands-off’ (I tend to do that at lower levels), so don't expect a full description of my players. However, here's a quick summary:
Our squad doesn't really have any good goalkeeping choices. I have been using Antonin Bernard as the best of a bad bunch but I will be signing a new GK whenever I find a good one available.
Our centre-backs are also similarly weak, but at least we have solid choices (not very exciting though mind you) in Barroilhet and Laval for the wings. In front of them, Fournier and the star of the team, Diego Ferrand, are our main creators, as our centre-mids have to do the dirty work in our 4-4-2. Our striker partnerships have been rather tepid, as I'm still undecided on who the top 2 strikers are.
However, weare doing quite well results-wise, save that premature exit from the cup after penalties. Now we have a 2 week break before the next round of games, good time to slot in a couple friendlies.
Wins here are worth 4 points, draws 2 and losses 1. No idea why, but it certainly confuses my head maths in assessing the table.
Should have known better than to toot my own horn
Changed from my Brexit football into a much fancier 3-4-3, as both our fullbacks suck. Might as well have an extra man up top.