FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
FM24 New Leagues
FM23 New Leagues
FM24 Tactics
FM24 Data Update
FM Database
FM Guides
FM Shortlists
FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
FM24/25 Update Free Players
FM24/25 Update Bargains
FM24/25 Update Players to avoid
FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
FM24/25 Update Club Facilities
Installation Guides
Prediction League
Fantasy Football
Basically, the rest of the old forum has been archived and we've started again. I wanted to do this before FM2013 is released, as doing it on the day is extremely stressful due to the amount of traffic hitting the site. However it would be pointless to force you all to start your FM12 careers again when most will only have a few weeks left to run. So we are left with the situation where your careers are the only part of the site still running on the old system, however because of the way the old system was setup, the integration is a bit buggy as you can probably tell by the way alot of the careers are displaying. I'm working hard to fix most of these bugs, but unfortunately it will continue to be buggy for a couple of weeks. You are also missing features such as the ability to quote one another.
However the good news is that i'm working on an all new careers section, which will be far more awesome than just the forum we had before. This will be ready for use when the FM13 demo is released, so you can all begin your FM2013 careers on the new system.
I'll reveal some features and screenshots of what the new careers section will be like soon, but for now you'll just have to trust me, accept my apologies for the current state of the careers forum and believe that I will definitely make this up to all of you. All of your careers are some of the best things about this site and i've not taken this decision lightly, it's 2-3 weeks of being slightly annoyed and frustrated and then an eternity of awesomeness, in which your careers will get all the love and attention they deserve. I promise.
although one early request - there are way too many threads pinned in the careers section!
Can't wait until the new careers section looks like.
yeah. i just love it!
Just go into your thread and continue as you did before.