FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v.2.0 [Updated 30.07.2014]
Skin style FMC for FM 2014 for FM 2014 career mode (1920x1080 and 1600x900).
I'm pleased to present you the new update of the version 2.0 of FMC FLUTSkin for FM 14 (white version) – 1920x1080
Thanks to all for your reported bugs. A special thanks to rune (from german Meistertrainerforum) and leo_crumb.
As always I would appreciate it if you could tell me when and in what circumstances (or panels) the bugs arise.
This FlutSkin version includes lots of changes in 1920x1080 version (not the 1600x900).
Note that although you can find the two versions of the skin, I only updated 1920x1080 version.
Besides lots of minor graphics changes here are the most important tweaks in this update for FlutSkin version 2.0:
- “New” attributes profile panel (status icons included)
- “New” board room panel
- Fixed the club overview panel and inclusion of tabs and new information (board confidence panel)
- “New” match titlebar score (stadium name, picture and conditions included; calendar and weather icon included)
- “New” team report summary panel
- Match inbetween highlights: 5 panels with fixed size
Installation Instructions
Step 1
Download the skin and extract the files (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Step 2
Open the extracted folder “fmcFlutSkin2014v2.0update30july2014" and Move the two folders inside into your skins folder:
Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Step 3
Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
You should see "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0” and "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0 1600x900” as options in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Choose the version for the resolution you want.
Hit the Confirm button.
This skin was created by flut.
Skin style FMC for FM 2014 for FM 2014 career mode (1920x1080 and 1600x900).
I'm pleased to present you the new update of the version 2.0 of FMC FLUTSkin for FM 14 (white version) – 1920x1080
Thanks to all for your reported bugs. A special thanks to rune (from german Meistertrainerforum) and leo_crumb.
As always I would appreciate it if you could tell me when and in what circumstances (or panels) the bugs arise.
This FlutSkin version includes lots of changes in 1920x1080 version (not the 1600x900).
Note that although you can find the two versions of the skin, I only updated 1920x1080 version.
Besides lots of minor graphics changes here are the most important tweaks in this update for FlutSkin version 2.0:
- “New” attributes profile panel (status icons included)
- “New” board room panel
- Fixed the club overview panel and inclusion of tabs and new information (board confidence panel)
- “New” match titlebar score (stadium name, picture and conditions included; calendar and weather icon included)
- “New” team report summary panel
- Match inbetween highlights: 5 panels with fixed size
Installation Instructions
Step 1
Download the skin and extract the files (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Step 2
Open the extracted folder “fmcFlutSkin2014v2.0update30july2014" and Move the two folders inside into your skins folder:
Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Step 3
Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
You should see "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0” and "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0 1600x900” as options in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Choose the version for the resolution you want.
Hit the Confirm button.
This skin was created by flut.
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As in other skins, some of the panels are shown only in big resolutions (I play in 1920x1080 and the screenshots are from my game)
it works great, but in the information screen on general it still has a third white kit when it shouldn't
can you help me with that as well
-where can i change the row height its self , not the spacing , decreasing the spacing make the values too close
i got the idea of what u were saying and changed the row spacings in the player profile attributes panels too , thnx alot for that
the boardroom staff issue was fixed a bit
it only shows like half of the required staff , and only in the restored down mode ,nothing in the maximized
and when i got to another screen , like a player profile or messeges or anything , when i go back to the boardroom , cant see the required staff anymore , have to reload the skin to watch that half of it again .
the tactics issue was fixed too , but still needs to be more visible , player positions still look so small , still have to go to restored down mode to see them all .
the match between highlights issue wasnt fixed with 1800 width , i tried 800 and it became more visible , now i`m trying diff values for width and height , the 800x320 showed that the rec info panel is repeating it self with diff dimensions
player of the match is showing now , but still in the background
here r some pics hope this would help
https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/dCZevWdUbADk5lVsaUtWjeOBcUwoCehHtg0wxZAc.jpg (800x320)
https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/o25P73Lr6628nCbTmsI4BafxgqV59HmqLnjKVVom.jpg ( can this be done )
In fact your screen use a small resolution and that’s why happens those bugs. I think you have to decide what information you want to see.
In general you can do that changing the “priority” value (1 is the first priority). So, for example, for the problems you reported:
A. For Boardroom (board room panel.xml)
<!-- Board Confidence -->
<widget class="subsection_box" id="boch" default_height="-2" minimum_height="160" priority="1">
Change default_height=”-2” for “-1” - if necessary cut the expression minimum_height=”160” -
2. Find
<widget class="subsection_box" id="scot" priority="1" default_height="-1" minimum_height="95">
Change priority=”1” for “2” or “3” - if necessary cut the expression minimum_height=”95” -
3. Find
<container class="subsection_box" default_height="-1" priority="1">
<translation id="title" translation_id="316690" type="use" value="Finance[COMMENT: team landmarks; embedded menu option to switch view to Financial landmarks achieved]" />
Change priority=”1” for “2” or “3”
B. For Tactics (tactics overview panel.xml)
<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-4,-1" alignment="top,extend" offset="0" gap="0"/>
And change layout=”-4,-1” for “-5,-1” - but probably the opponent table will disappear…
C Concerning match inbetwen highlights there are for panels that you can change the dimensions for everyone with the slider.
C. For Player of the match (match post match panel.xml)
Find and cut (your screen is too short so maybe you have to cut some information..)
<widget class="club_overview_stadium_panel" priority="1" file="club overview stadium panel pre match" id="stad" >
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="18"/>
Or…change the value priority=”1” for priority=”2”
Sorry but I don't know what happens....this never happens yet...
If someone can help would be great.
Sorry but in that panel I don't know how to do it (I just know how to cut the third kit, but if you cut those instructions the panel always show the home and away kits...).
I cannot see the leagues of a specific nation....
I don't know what happens. I've just finished testing it in my game, and it works.
Use this
In that panel you can choose in the "more actions" button.
Ah...okay. Sorry...I don't know how to include it....
Have you any plans of making an FM13 edition? The FMC13 skin is the best ever and worked perfekt on my 15.6" laptop, but it seems that all FM14 skins I have tried need to be played on a bigger screen. It would be great with a FMC13 skin for FM14
Odd, any ideas?
Player profile
1) There are few bugs in player statistics (their collocation is wrong)
2) There is a problem with (show qualities) there is only a half of that!
Thanks Maestro.
I'm sorry but I don't know if I understood what are you talking about. If you mean "adapt" the SkinFlutFM13 (namely the versions for small resolutions ) for FM14 or to do different versions of this skin (for different resolutions), I'm sorry but in last "season" (FM13) it was a hard working and for FM14 this version will be the only one...
Is weird, because I've just finished to look at the version I uploaded and is the 1.2...
Thanks. Could you please put a screenshot with the bugs?
It's a great skin!
I just want a dark skin and the possibilities to change color's attributes.
Sorry i don't speak english very well.....
Thanks a lot for this skin!
In fact the skin don't have the in-game editor option. I haven't the RTE and I don't pretend to purchase it. I don't know how to include that option. So, if someone knows... could, please, tell me how to do it?
Thanks ;-)
I don't know, yet, If a will try to make a dark version.....
Simon Mills
I'm having the same problem... I've just tried downloading v1.2 from all the links on this topic and even though the mouseover in my browser says v1.2 when I hover over the download boxes, the file linked to is called fmcFlutskinforFM2014v1.1 :-(
I've tried ctrl + F5 etc etc