Extract to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Then go into the >>> Preferences / Interface <<< select the skin, Clear Cache,
untick >>> Use Caching To Decrease Page Loading Times <<< if it is ticked,
and then tick >>> Reload Skin When Confirming Changes In Preferences <<<
then click confirm and your changes should be applied.
Enjoy, and cheers.
>>>UPDATE 1.4<<<
Extract it to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 pervection then reload the skin.
16 years ago
2 weeks ago

By deanorfc | On 29 November 2013 - 20:35 PM
Brilliant thanks, can't wait.

Try with this extract it to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 pervection\graphics\boxes then reload the skin.

Here is the screenshot that i would like to be transparent, it so the background of the stadium can be seen without the dark overlay.
I tried the download but it doesnt work, can you see if you can make these boxes or panels transparent please, this would finish off an excellent skin.


Hi Marcionni,

Did you get any luck with getting these panels transparent ?
12 years ago
10 years ago
I have also noticed that there seems to be a lot more buttons on the top of your info bar in the screen images than those i have.

Is there something I need to do other than that already explained in your instructions ???


13 years ago
2 months ago
Where can I find more trophy logos? Because I don't want to see the Premier League one when I had won the Portuguese Second League...

Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 pervection\graphics\pictures\trophies\default

Wonderful skin but I'm unable to see stadium backgrounds instead of your default backgrounds. Any way to fix this?

Did you try with this?

I have just noticed that when i get a mail message informing me a manager has got the sack, where the ODDS used to be for who will get the job & also who will get sacked next, i have a blank white box instead of the odds???

Any idea why ??????
I have tried clearing cache & reloading but it still the same.

I'll fix that in the next version.

Great job!!!!
Can you add a button to add a rest day in team training schedule as default skins have?

I'll do that, thanks!

Hi Marcionni,

Did you get any luck with getting these panels transparent ?

Not for now, maybe later.

I have also noticed that there seems to be a lot more buttons on the top of your info bar in the screen images than those i have.

Is there something I need to do other than that already explained in your instructions ???



Right click on the menubar and choose the buttons.

P.s. thank you all!
The Necromancer
12 years ago
6 months ago
12 years ago
10 years ago
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 pervection\graphics\pictures\trophies\default

Did you try with this?

I'll fix that in the next version.

I'll do that, thanks!

Not for now, maybe later.

Right click on the menubar and choose the buttons.

P.s. thank you all!

Thank you. your work is amazing
12 years ago
1 month ago
Hi, I manage 2 teams (clup and national teams). But in menu bar I can't see my teams names or logos. There were my teams' logos in the normal skin. You can see the problem in the picture I am waiting for the update nice skin.
13 years ago
2 months ago
Yep, didn't work. Also tried to clear cache and restart game but no luck.

Maybe it's not possible in the new FM, maybe.

Thank you. your work is amazing

You're welcome, and thanks.

Hi, I manage 2 teams (clup and national teams). But in menu bar I can't see my teams names or logos. There were my teams' logos in the normal skin. You can see the problem in the picture I am waiting for the update nice skin.

Hi, thanks, I'll fix that in the new update, v1.4 is coming soon.

Hi Marcionni,

Did you get any luck with getting these panels transparent ?

I did it, download this and extract it to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 pervection then reload the skin. Enjoy the transparency.
13 years ago
2 months ago
>>>UPDATE 1.4<<<(INCLUDE v1.3)

Extract it to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 pervection then reload the skin.

- Titlebar old font
- Old background
- Individual training condition colour
- News manager odds background colour
- Non player profile
- Fixtures filter
- Add manager team information
- Continue button over
- Unread messages colour
- Team training rest day button
12 years ago
1 month ago
thanks for the update

I noticed that in clup overview it s like

Team name - Main Squad - 1. Barclay Premier League

but in squad overview

Team name - Main Squad - 1.-

you can also see in your pictures
13 years ago
2 months ago
thanks for the update

I noticed that in clup overview it s like

Team name - Main Squad - 1. Barclay Premier League

but in squad overview

Team name - Main Squad - 1.-

you can also see in your pictures

You're welcome. That can't be fixed, I tried it last season but with no success.
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
Maybe it's not possible in the new FM, maybe.

You're welcome, and thanks.

Hi, thanks, I'll fix that in the new update, v1.4 is coming soon.

I did it, download this and extract it to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins\alavanja 14 pervection then reload the skin. Enjoy the transparency.

You are a legend sir, thanks alot
13 years ago
2 months ago
You are a legend sir, thanks alot

You're welcome, and thanks, too.
Black Jesus
11 years ago
9 months ago
I found another bug. When viewing a game between two national teams, the scoreboard shows one team's flag and the other team's emblem.
13 years ago
2 months ago

It's not a bug, you don't have adequate logos.
16 years ago
11 years ago
14 years ago
3 weeks ago
18 years ago
6 months ago
Can anyone help me with this


Thanks a lot for the skin, but I have the problem from the screenshot. I've tried many solutions like delete cache/reload skin/reinstall skin ...but without success.

Can anyone help me out with this issue?



I've tried again for 2 times last night, delete every skin (including also the panels folder, outside the skin folder) the skin 1.4, clean cache from game, delete steam workshop. I've did everything and when I've applied this skin the whole screen was black

Don't know what to do else ?!?!!!
11 years ago
11 years ago

ovo sam napravio (kao i prijašnjih godina)
Raspakujte u Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins

ali kad dodjem ovdje
Zatim idite u >>> Preferences / Interface

ne pokazuje mi skin osim onog osnovnog
dakle ne mogu ovo

selektujte skin, onda Clear Cache,
pa deselektujte

da napravim prvo clear cache?
jesam nešto krivo napravio?
18 years ago
6 months ago
english mate (anyway I've put in google translate) and I think I've did also what you said. I've all the cache from all the folders, I've lost all my game settings. I've left ONLY this skin and still I cannot see the font correctly. I'm seeing that font in white.

piece of crap
11 years ago
5 years ago
I love this skin
but one problem I have is that on the team and player instructions it doesn't show me what instructions I have selected I am not sure if its just my computer or if I have installed it wrong it seems like I am the only one with this problem, Help please

Thanks in advance
12 years ago
11 months ago
Ok.So tell me about this:
I like two things: logos during the match, the interface during the match and the club screen panel.
I would like to have it in the original dark skin. How to do it?
marconi, would you be so kind and remade the official dark skin (updated by putzy)?
I'll be bound. I'm sorry but the font and small readability of your skin is disqualifying for me
Miguel Alves
12 years ago
1 week ago
will you be releasing more alavanja versions like in fm13 ???
12 years ago
4 years ago
Hey great skin, just one question, how can I change the colors at a player's atributes page?

For example I want to make the prices from 1-10 white, from 11-15 yellow and from 16-20 red, how can I do that?


EDIT: Also, in the Greek language, the letter "ς" does not appear at all, do you know anything about it?
15 years ago
9 years ago
These 'Alavanja' skins are a big part of the reason I have now stopped making skins. They all look basically the exact same and 'new' ones are released pretty much every week. Completely under-miming what solo skin makers like myself have to put in to release a skin when you got a group of guys releasing the same boring, replicas of their own work over and over again.

I'm done making 'RD' skins.
11 years ago
9 years ago
Love this skin, but I have one small problem when in a match the scoreboard shows the competition logo for the home team instead of the club logo, how do I fix this ?
14 years ago
2 years ago
I seem to have a problem with the in-between match highlights windows. For some reason I can't change what I want to view on the right panel. As you can see on the screenshot the arrow that should reveal a dropdown menu for that is completely greyed out (as in, can't click on it). Can anyone tell me how to fix that since I have no clue how to get it done. Searched on the forums a bit for it but couldn't find a solution.
Black Jesus
11 years ago
9 months ago
Ever since the last patch, I can't see the league history on the club profile screen:

Any way to fix this?
16 years ago
5 years ago
Do I need to download each 'Update' in chronological order to get this to work? Or can I just put Update 1.4 inside the "alavanja 14 perfection" folder?
13 years ago
10 years ago
This is such a lovely skin. Brilliant!

A problem I have though:

After adding the editor button plugin, I lose the left side of the menu bar after playing a match.

This ONLY happens after I've played a match. The editor buttons sits squashed up next to the help ? button prior to that.
13 years ago
10 years ago
Also, one thing I've noticed: I can't see which match instructions are selected. They all appear in the same colour.

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