15 years ago
9 years ago

and can you do logo of grasshopper zurich like on image on the player's t-short, with white circle at the background. And a nuance - outer width of white circle should be the same as width beetween letters "G" and "C"
15 years ago
9 years ago
Grasshopers Zurich logo please, complete with stars.

like on this t-short)) whatch previous request)))
12 years ago
10 years ago
Your text to link here...

logo Wolfsberg St.Andrä format 225x225 and 25x 18 thank you very much!
17 years ago
17 hours ago
http://www.kaagent.be/admin/uploads/pages/130223nieuwlogo1(1).jpg (copy link manual)

Hi, hammer9, can you do all logos of KAA GENT from source image? Is It not too small for normal 180x180 logo? And logos from right side do with white border like on image. please. Thank you

17 years ago
17 hours ago

and can you do logo of grasshopper zurich like on image on the player's t-short, with white circle at the background. And a nuance - outer width of white circle should be the same as width beetween letters "G" and "C"

like on this t-short)) whatch previous request)))

15 years ago
9 years ago
12 years ago
10 years ago
Thank you very much!
17 years ago
17 hours ago
noplms mates! :O)
11 years ago
10 years ago
can anbody make this four logos ? please ? and make switzerland logo in white colour thank you
11 years ago
10 years ago
17 years ago
17 hours ago
12 years ago
5 years ago
Merry christmas and happy new year to all.

Hi Hammer, could you please make these logos in all sizes and not left or right background,
but center if possible

Logo 1

Logo 2

Logo 3


Who are these teams?
17 years ago
17 hours ago
Daniel Derrington
11 years ago
8 years ago
hi, i was wondering if someone could do me a fantasy logo for my football team that I'm going to play online with.

the team is called FC Albuquerque, i am taking the idea from AMC's breaking bad. I fell in love with the show and plan on having Walter White as my chairman. (he has to put his money into something other than carwashes?!!)

.anyway.... i would like the shows typical logo from the periodic table, but replace it with 3 stages F (flourine), C (carbon) and Al (aluminium) - ihope this makes sense?!! so it will read F (in a box) ootball
C (in a box) lub
Al (in a box) buquerque

in the original colours?

i am hopeless on photoshop so i was wondering if someone could help me???

please, dan
17 years ago
17 hours ago
hi, i was wondering if someone could do me a fantasy logo for my football team that I'm going to play online with.

the team is called FC Albuquerque, i am taking the idea from AMC's breaking bad. I fell in love with the show and plan on having Walter White as my chairman. (he has to put his money into something other than carwashes?!!)

.anyway.... i would like the shows typical logo from the periodic table, but replace it with 3 stages F (flourine), C (carbon) and Al (aluminium) - ihope this makes sense?!! so it will read F (in a box) ootball
C (in a box) lub
Al (in a box) buquerque

in the original colours?

i am hopeless on photoshop so i was wondering if someone could help me???

please, dan

i will do for you but better if you draw fantasy logo and get picture, upload post here..it can help us if i see this.
13 years ago
15 hours ago
New San Jose Earthquakes logo (id 1910)

17 years ago
17 hours ago
12 years ago
10 years ago
hello! A couple of days ago now the manchester city announced that it had bought the melbourt heart (in the Australian league) and after the end of the season will change name and corporate colors in melbourne city fc (not official yet but it should be so! ) so I ask the hypothetical new logo (do not know yet what could be) so I am sending a few! Please do X that are 25x18 in size 225x225 and otherwise are not ok at least for me! Thank you very much to all!

So here are a few found on the net until now:
12 years ago
10 years ago
hello! A couple of days ago now the manchester city announced that it had bought the melbourt heart (in the Australian league) and after the end of the season will change name and corporate colors in melbourne city fc (not official yet but it should be so! ) so I ask the hypothetical new logo (do not know yet what could be) so I am sending a few! Please do X that are 25x18 in size 225x225 and otherwise are not ok at least for me! Thank you very much to all!

So here are a few found on the net until now:

I can not find how to send the pictures ... can anyone help me??? thank you very much!
12 years ago
10 years ago
Your text to link here...

would be perfect if these 2 individually and obviously especially made ​​of blue as the manchester city!

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