FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v.2.0 [Updated 30.07.2014]
Skin style FMC for FM 2014 for FM 2014 career mode (1920x1080 and 1600x900).
I'm pleased to present you the new update of the version 2.0 of FMC FLUTSkin for FM 14 (white version) – 1920x1080
Thanks to all for your reported bugs. A special thanks to rune (from german Meistertrainerforum) and leo_crumb.
As always I would appreciate it if you could tell me when and in what circumstances (or panels) the bugs arise.
This FlutSkin version includes lots of changes in 1920x1080 version (not the 1600x900).
Note that although you can find the two versions of the skin, I only updated 1920x1080 version.
Besides lots of minor graphics changes here are the most important tweaks in this update for FlutSkin version 2.0:
- “New” attributes profile panel (status icons included)
- “New” board room panel
- Fixed the club overview panel and inclusion of tabs and new information (board confidence panel)
- “New” match titlebar score (stadium name, picture and conditions included; calendar and weather icon included)
- “New” team report summary panel
- Match inbetween highlights: 5 panels with fixed size
Installation Instructions
Step 1
Download the skin and extract the files (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Step 2
Open the extracted folder “fmcFlutSkin2014v2.0update30july2014" and Move the two folders inside into your skins folder:
Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Step 3
Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
You should see "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0” and "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0 1600x900” as options in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Choose the version for the resolution you want.
Hit the Confirm button.
This skin was created by flut.
Skin style FMC for FM 2014 for FM 2014 career mode (1920x1080 and 1600x900).
I'm pleased to present you the new update of the version 2.0 of FMC FLUTSkin for FM 14 (white version) – 1920x1080
Thanks to all for your reported bugs. A special thanks to rune (from german Meistertrainerforum) and leo_crumb.
As always I would appreciate it if you could tell me when and in what circumstances (or panels) the bugs arise.
This FlutSkin version includes lots of changes in 1920x1080 version (not the 1600x900).
Note that although you can find the two versions of the skin, I only updated 1920x1080 version.
Besides lots of minor graphics changes here are the most important tweaks in this update for FlutSkin version 2.0:
- “New” attributes profile panel (status icons included)
- “New” board room panel
- Fixed the club overview panel and inclusion of tabs and new information (board confidence panel)
- “New” match titlebar score (stadium name, picture and conditions included; calendar and weather icon included)
- “New” team report summary panel
- Match inbetween highlights: 5 panels with fixed size
Installation Instructions
Step 1
Download the skin and extract the files (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Step 2
Open the extracted folder “fmcFlutSkin2014v2.0update30july2014" and Move the two folders inside into your skins folder:
Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/skins
Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
Step 3
Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
You should see "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0” and "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0 1600x900” as options in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Choose the version for the resolution you want.
Hit the Confirm button.
This skin was created by flut.
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Ice Man
Can you please help me?
Hi Ice Man
In fact this skin is only for career mode and not for FMC.
Ice Man
That would be why then!!
Shame though
Asad Choudhry
Player pics too big to fit
In order to change the height of the manager pic Go to panels folder of the skin and search:
1. staff snapshot club overview.xml
Open that file and search for
<widget class="picture" id="picM" keep_aspect_ratio="true" minimum_height="70" height="180" scale_picture="true" image_alignment="centre_x,centre_y">
<attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_portraits" default_value="true" set_property="hidn">
<list id="value">
<boolean value="false" />
Change the value in red
In order to change the height of the players pic Go to panels folder of the skin and search:
1. player snapshot club overview.xml
search for
<widget class="picture" id="picM" keep_aspect_ratio="true" minimum_height="70" height="140" scale_picture="true" image_alignment="centre_x,centre_y">
<attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_portraits" default_value="true" set_property="hidn">
<list id="value">
<boolean value="false" />
Change the value in red
That's it
Honestly I don't know because I've never tried it.
Thanks sbenett ;-)
The stadiums are in my docs/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/graphics/stadiums
You have to download the stadium pack (if you not have it yet), create the stadium folder as I said and..that's it.
Hi mvpverne
Maybe it happens due your screen resolution. The skin is able to work fine (with all the panels/boxes) for 1920x1080. For smaller resolutions some panels don't appear.
Anyway, if you want, put a screenshot with your problems.
Here is the link
Your text to link here...
I have the same problem of mvpverne, i play in 1366x768 (notebook) and something dosn't show correctly. Some informations or pics are incomplete in differents screens. Exist some way to otimize this or no?
Another thing that I almost forget. How to use the version dark? I installed the skin but I don't found the dark.
Sorry if my english is incorrect.
Thx all.
Hi sbennett
You have to reload the skin in order to work. If you already did it...sorry but I don't know what happened...
Use this if you want (the club details will show all the information; however the left-bottom panel will not be shown). Put the file in the panels folder of the skin.
Your text to link here...
In order to make a few changes to increase the adjustment to your screen resolution read the "read me first.pdf" included in the skin pack.
In order to make a few changes to increase the adjustment to your screen resolution, please read the "read me first.pdf" included in the skin pack.
Concerning dark version...in fact there is no dark version of the skin.
flut, i simply love this skin you've created but i can't play with it.
My laptop uses a resolution of 1366x768 and the panels in your skin aren't fit to that.
I'm very disappointed because there's no other skin that compares to this one.
I think the "1366x768 gang" would be very very thankful to you if you could make the adjustments to this skin.
Best regards
i agree with fabio, if you have a free time, please make it for 1344x768 flut.. i really like this skin.. but its too small if i want to use it in 1366x768 using 75% screen.. the words makes my eyes hurt coz too small.. hehehe.. regards
how can i change the colour and font size of players name in personal details. (currently blue)
Also how can i add international caps and goals
We all want the same thing...