15 years ago
1 year ago

I used to play FM14 with my Mac and all my graphics such as facepack, kits, logos are displaying correctly there. But today, I was started using Windows 8.1 with FM14 (14.2.2) and my graphics doesn't work anymore. I've uninstall/reinstall steam, football manager itself, clean registry more than 10 times already and nothing happens.

All my graphics folder are located at Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/Graphics/Faces and Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/Graphics/pictures.

I've tried to play with the folder names as well, but the same result. I've already clear cache and reload like more than it should have.

I've noticed one thing is, after I've added the graphics folder and reload, all the default graphics such as team logo, country flags won't show anymore and my FM game started very lag. I am using alienware X51 desktop R2 version.

Kindly help me out because it's really frustrate me right now.

Best Regards,
14 years ago
21 hours ago
Have you downloaded any skins? If so try deleting them first, then clear cache/reload skin and see if they show.
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello VP,

Thanks for very quick response. I don't have any custom skin, I am using default one.

And the facepack I am using is


And the logopack I am using is


Thank you.
14 years ago
21 hours ago
Probably a stupid question but you have extracted the folders from the downloaded files and not just placed the ZIP files into your graphics folders?
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello VP,

Aha yes. Of course. All are extracted folder. Care to help me check via team viewer? Or Any solutions should I try?
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello VP,

Please check the screenshot.
14 years ago
21 hours ago
Could you upload a couple of pics of how you have your folders set out please. It seems like something is conflicting and not allowing the game to find where the graphics are.
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello VP,

Since I cannot attach the multiple files here. Please check the dropbox folder.


Thank you.
14 years ago
21 hours ago
Rename your graphics folder without the capital G. So graphics instead of Graphics.
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello VP,

I've already tried and just did again too, same result

Best Regards,
18 years ago
4 minutes ago
Could you upload a screenshot of the contents of your cut-out megapack folder?

Also, have you changed the settings in the preferences in-game?
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello mons,

You can see all the screenshots of my sports interactive folders in here.


Here is the new screenshot which I've just added after I've changed to small "graphics" letter.


Do you mean disable cahcing, clear caching and reloading skin through Preferences? If so, yes I've already done quite number of times

If you would like to see the config.xml of cut out faces, I've attached here. It's untouched.

Best Regards,
18 years ago
4 minutes ago
Everything appears to be in order

Have you installed any other custom graphics elsewhere?

Can I also have a screenshot of your in-game preferences?
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello Mons,

Yea, everything is in order. It used to work fine on my mac. It's only happened on this new pc

Nope, I didn't install any other custom graphics elsewhere.

Yes, here is my game preferences screenshot. Please take a look at it


Best Regards,
18 years ago
4 minutes ago
I'm clutching at straws here, but could it be that your user data folder (as in the first screenshot above) is not the exact same as the one that your graphics are located in?
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello mons,

Humm .. do you mean about the save folder Location C:\Users\User\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\ ?

I think it's same. The first screenshot which I take for the graphic folder is I've just went inside My Documents folder directly. If I go inside C: drive Users folder, you'll see the same folder path which set in the save folder. Here's the screenshot of the graphic folder full path


Best Regards,
18 years ago
4 minutes ago
Everything looks absolutely fine Tell you what - try clicking the reload skin button in the preferences. I'm at a loss tbh, folder structure appears fine, as do the preferences
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello mons,

I do reload skins number of times which I can't count it any more and I've just did again too. Not a chance. Same result. When it's reloading skin, it's took take sometimes (may be a minute or less than a minute), but still images doesn't show though. I have no idea already. Should I try reinstalling in different folder? And how can I remove football manager totally without any trace? I do cleanup registry with ccleaner though. But that Sports Interactive folder from Document always left off even though I've uninstalled it. I've always need to go and delete manually. And even though I've cleaned up registry, after I've reinstalled, FM didn't ask me to create profile again, my profile is there. Is that normal?

Best Regards,
15 years ago
4 months ago
Yeah, because your profile is saved here iirc: C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014 (appdata is a hidden folder).
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello Crane,

I see. Thanks for the tips. It's indeed a strange issue that I am having. Now I am trying to create new user (windows account) and try to install there. Let's see whether the graphic folder works.

Best Regards.
18 years ago
4 minutes ago
I'm sure there's something wrong somewhere within your file structure but I've no idea what it is. Everything appears to be in place

One final thing - do you have two Sports Interactive folders within Documents perchance? Sometimes happens with the latest Windows versions...
15 years ago
1 year ago
Still no luck mons. I've created new window user account and test. But still the same issue. And I don't have duplicate folders too. And I've tried to install graphics through steam workshop as well. But still having same result. I am quite clueless already.
18 years ago
4 minutes ago
There must be something wrong, but I have no idea what could be wrong

Contact me via PM - I have an idea...
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello mons,

I've already send you a PM .
17 years ago
2 years ago

I'm having the same issue, any way to fix this?
17 years ago
2 days ago

I'm having the same issue, any way to fix this?

Explain to us can help us to help you! show me your screenshot thats where you download to folders, what type of logo, kits, facepack and skins etc and tell me what wrong your issue.
Miguel Miguel25665
10 years ago
9 years ago
Hi, i'm having the same issue, any ideia?

10 years ago
4 years ago
hey guyz im having an issue with the logos on fm2018..... i downloaded logos and badges, i created all the sub folders as asked, when i press on a team i can see the correct logos, but when im pressing to see league tables it wont show me the badges...its like some custom badges..ive tried to reload skin a hundred times ive cleared caches but yet nothing...
18 years ago
4 minutes ago
hey guyz im having an issue with the logos on fm2018..... i downloaded logos and badges, i created all the sub folders as asked, when i press on a team i can see the correct logos, but when im pressing to see league tables it wont show me the badges...its like some custom badges..ive tried to reload skin a hundred times ive cleared caches but yet nothing...

Are you using multiple logo packs? They may conflict with each other unless you really know what you're doing.

If you're running only 1 logopack, best to ask the pack's owner/creator, ideally with screenshots of your issue in-game and your logopack folder structure to help him possibly identify the issue.
11 years ago
10 hours ago
hey guyz im having an issue with the logos on fm2018..... i downloaded logos and badges, i created all the sub folders as asked, when i press on a team i can see the correct logos, but when im pressing to see league tables it wont show me the badges...its like some custom badges..ive tried to reload skin a hundred times ive cleared caches but yet nothing...

Small badges (for menues and tables) are separate files 20x20 pixels (or so) wide which should have their own folder with config.xml file.
So, wherever you downloaded logos, they should come packed in two folders, one with large images and one with small.

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