O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
The only way to do so without re-installing would be to download the OLT Default Replacements file.

As long as you still have the original SI hair images, all you need to do is replace each config and hair .xml file in each ethnic subfolder with the ones from my replacements. Those .xml's are untouched from the originals. If you no longer have the default hairs at all, then also copying the Default Replacements hairs will replicate an original install, but with shirts on the player hairs.

Apart from that - only a re-install is able to reset your game to default, I'm afraid.
13 years ago
2 months ago
The only way to do so without re-installing would be to download the OLT Default Replacements file.

As long as you still have the original SI hair images, all you need to do is replace each config and hair .xml file in each ethnic subfolder with the ones from my replacements. Those .xml's are untouched from the originals. If you no longer have the default hairs at all, then also copying the Default Replacements hairs will replicate an original install, but with shirts on the player hairs.

Apart from that - only a re-install is able to reset your game to default, I'm afraid.

Allright, I'll try that procedure.
Thanks alot for both the great work and the help!


EDIT: I tried uninstalling and delete everything (both in steamapps and in documents folder), but the generated players still just have shilouthed pictures
Does anyone has a clue about, what I can do to fix this? :'(
13 years ago
2 months ago
I fixed my problems now.
You're welcome to delete my comments!

O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
What was it?

So I have an idea how to help others that may encounter the same issue... it's a new one for me.
11 years ago
1 year ago
Fantastic! Really appreciate it, I installed it wrong on FM13 and had bald regens/sillouette, but now this works

Want to come across the tattoo / accessories!! Want a regen to have this hair: haha

EDIT: Can anyone post the pic of his Tattoo? Can't find it look through them lol
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
One of my personal favorite hairs, I must admit.

The tattoo... well, it's only a small neck tattoo - you'll find it among Hispanic Short as a "bald" and also as a "lightbrown".
14 years ago
1 year ago
great job mate
18 years ago
1 year ago
All in all, these are wonderful. However, I get 16 year old regens with facial hair that would suit a truckdriver at 40! Can I delete all the beards and have no problem? Also, I do like most of these hairs, there are a couple I don't like - shall I just rename them as I seen previous in this thread. Would that work with the facial hair ones too?
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Yes, you'd have to copy other hairs and rename them to replace ones you don't like. If you only delete the images you'll get "fake balds" instead.

As for facial hair - I understand that it's sometimes odd when a 16 year old has them (although I've seen plenty of real life teens with heavy sets of beards). But, I find them utterly important for when they grow up. I'd rather have a few teens with facial hair than an entire footballing world of adults all babyfaced. Think of them as images of what they'll look like during the prime of their careers.
11 years ago
2 years ago
For anyone having the bald problem.

until about two minutes ago I had the previous version of this installed and a good percentage of the players in my game were bald, when I updated to this pack all of my regens were bald, what I did to solve this is I deleted the new installed (this version) hair pack from the said install place and replaces it with the old one again that I was using previously, then I went to preferences and did the steps there ( im sure you know what im talking about there) then I deleted the old version of the hair pack and replaces it again with this updated version, make sure you have quitted your game tho, load it up to the main menu and go onto preferences there before you load up your save, do the steps in preference there and confirm it, now load your game and the bald problem should be gone.

Im sure there is a quicker way of doing this but this is just the way that worked for me. I hope this helps you as it has me.
11 years ago
6 years ago
do they work automatically after download because my regen faces have gone and are not showing
11 years ago
6 years ago
I downloaded it and placed it in the right folders but when I wanted to play the game my old regen faces were gone and the new ones didn't appear what can I do please help?
11 years ago
6 years ago
Downloaded it put it in the right folder but my regen face are gone and wont come back
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Are the faces completely gone? No bald headed pictures either?

In that case - make sure you haven't accidentally unticked the "show generated players and staff" option.

If it's baldness... ensure you have the config.xml file next to the folders (as shown on the picture in Install Instructions of the OP)... or try the above bald players fix posted by Xionide.
11 years ago
6 years ago
Thanks O'Leary its working now.
false n1ne
11 years ago
1 year ago
Awesome work. poeple look much better now, definitely. One of Must Have addons in my opinion.
17 years ago
1 month ago
FM Barbershop, cheers.
13 years ago
2 years ago
This is the absolutely best mod for the game and I've been a fan of it since I found it last year. I find it even better than the cutout megapack as my games tend to last so long that there's nothing but regens around. So You Sir rock and I'm looking forward for the texture update. Thanks!
16 years ago
3 months ago
Hi basically installed it and I think it worked, and I installed the replace default with shirts mod too, but for some reason all the shirts are white with a black collar - any idea why? Thanks (great mod btw, cheers for the hard work!)
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Hi, guys - and thank you all for your encouraging comments. Hope you're getting enjoyment out of this pack!

Hi basically installed it and I think it worked, and I installed the replace default with shirts mod too, but for some reason all the shirts are white with a black collar - any idea why? Thanks (great mod btw, cheers for the hard work!)

Not sure what you mean here... but yes, the shirts are all supposed to be the same. They're white and dark blue as I figured that's as neutral a color as I could use.

I've been looking into the ability to color code the shirts for future versions to get them in team colors - but as of yet it's not possible to do.
15 years ago
2 years ago
This is the absolutely best mod for the game and I've been a fan of it since I found it last year.

This!!! I can't believe I found out about that pack just yesterday There are a few hairstyles that I don't like and will replace but overall it's fantastic. I just spent almost half an hour looking at regens, it really is a game changer. My only issue with it is that I like the grey shirts from the earlier versions much better, more "neutral" than the white and blue ones, and I don't know what to do now. You don't happen to have an alternative v4.0,do you O'Leary ? Team specific shirts would be awesome, too bad it's not possible.
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
This!!! I can't believe I found out about that pack just yesterday There are a few hairstyles that I don't like and will replace but overall it's fantastic. I just spent almost half an hour looking at regens, it really is a game changer. My only issue with it is that I like the grey shirts from the earlier versions much better, more "neutral" than the white and blue ones, and I don't know what to do now. You don't happen to have an alternative v4.0,do you O'Leary ? Team specific shirts would be awesome, too bad it's not possible.

Thanks. Glad you're enjoying the pack.

As for the shirts - there's nothing you can really do apart from choosing the no-shirt version. Well, you could go through each and every image and recolor the shirts in an image editing program...

I know I was going back and forth on how to do the shirts this year. I really wanted to have them in a football jersey, rather than in that sweaty grey undershirt. I knew it was going to be a tough choice on colors, but with this base for a shirt I have something I could work with for if/when color coding becomes a reality.

Hope you can still enjoy the game even with the shirts. It's just way too time consuming for me to offer different versions of the shirts.
11 years ago
1 year ago
Ive recently had a new laptop. And re-downloaded the hair pack and put the save over - yet all the regens have got the old hair pack, and not the OLT one? what shall i do?
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Ive recently had a new laptop. And re-downloaded the hair pack and put the save over - yet all the regens have got the old hair pack, and not the OLT one? what shall i do?

Do new newgens get the new hairs?

If not, it's probably not installed correctly. Revise the install instructions and make sure you properly clear the cache and restart your game. It could also be that the save has reverted to using the defaults when transferred (not sure how the info is stored in the save). If new newgens get the OLT hairs, that's probably what's happened. You could try disabling the generated player faces, exit and restart, and then re-enable the generated player faces in preferences, and there is a likelyhood that they'll be assigned new hairs. They probably won't get the same hairs they had on the old computer, though.

Hope this helps.
13 years ago
1 year ago
Hey mate, great job doing this.

Do we DM you or just post a picture on here for you to make and put our hair into the game?

Also, how do you get a regen picture with hair etc, outwith FM? I've seen regen avatars on here... just wondering how to do it.
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Hey mate, great job doing this.

Do we DM you or just post a picture on here for you to make and put our hair into the game?

Also, how do you get a regen picture with hair etc, outwith FM? I've seen regen avatars on here... just wondering how to do it.

Hi. Glad you like the pack.

As for hairs - you can PM me if you want, or post it in this thread. Either is fine by me.

As for getting a regen picture - just hit "print screen" on the keyboard when in FM, and having found a picture you want. Open your chosen image editing software and paste the the screen cap. Then you can crop the image to only show the face.
13 years ago
2 months ago
Hi mate, How do you get this running on a mac? There is a Football Manager 2014 folder under Documents (which is where I inserted the facepacks and logos) but there isnt a data file and no existing facegen files. Any idea? I used to love this pack when I had a windows laptop!
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Hi mate, How do you get this running on a mac? There is a Football Manager 2014 folder under Documents (which is where I inserted the facepacks and logos) but there isnt a data file and no existing facegen files. Any idea? I used to love this pack when I had a windows laptop!

While I don't know jack about Mac's, this pack should not be installed in a "documents" folder. You need to find the install directory of the game, and the folder structure there should be the same as in the install instructions (Football Manager 2014\data\facegen).
11 years ago
3 months ago
Who just problem with install process just watch this video-
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Who just problem with install process just watch this video-

Nice vid. Thanks for doing that.

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