Extract the 7zip file into your skins folder and it should appear in the preferences

You can also get the skin on the steam workshop

28/1/14 - Updated to v1.02

1. Fixed lots of player and clubs actions
2. Fixed colours on sack race/next manager news items
3. Fixed formatting on formations in scout report news item
4. Translations of player actions have been replaced
Andrea S.S. LAZIO
11 years ago
5 years ago
mate can upload the skin on other site like mediafire, rapidshare o something else like this please, because the site where you uploaded it don't let me download the file
Sekou Aarne
11 years ago
9 months ago
I think this years version is a upgrade of the previous version that looked great 2! Thanks Tom for making the game more fun!
18 years ago
7 years ago
I'll have a proper tinker with it tomorrow

Any progress ?
Charlie M
18 years ago
2 years ago
Love the skin mate but it really slows my game down when loading pages so I can't use it
18 years ago
1 month ago

It doesn't seem to want to fill the space, for some odd reason.

Love the skin mate but it really slows my game down when loading pages so I can't use it

Have you got the latest version? There was a fix for that in v1.01 (the latest version v1.02)
15 years ago
1 year ago
18 years ago
1 month ago
Tom have you managed to have a look at the Club Background screen when you first takeover a club? (After meeting with the Chairman and Ass Man) It appears blank with me.
Charlie M
18 years ago
2 years ago
Have you got the latest version? There was a fix for that in v1.01 (the latest version v1.02)

My bad, I don't think so!

Will update as soon as I can figure out how I install an update via the Steam workshop.

Thanks dude.

EDIT: Got it Tom, fab stuff mate loving it.
18 years ago
1 month ago
Probably the best known among managers, the skin Steklo is the best and most beautiful no doubt.
Congratulations TomDixon77 for giving us a wonderful skin !!!

Probably the best known among managers, the skin Steklo is the best and most beautiful no doubt.
Congratulations TomDixon77 for giving us a wonderful skin!

Access www.fm-brasil.com and see how many international content, graphics tournaments and get so many new releases.

We hope you

Um, would you mind not using this thread to advertise your site? I can't stop you uploading the skin separately (despite asking people not to), but that's a bit cheeky isn't it?
neal partner
13 years ago
1 year ago
can anyone tell me how i can associate a program with the file as eveytime i download i get this message and the file wont open.
18 years ago
1 month ago
neal partner
13 years ago
1 year ago
i have 7zip but when i try to open steklo to extract to my skins file it tells me that it cant associate with any programs and to do this i need to go to association control panel. I haven't got a clue about computers so i could really use a bit of help please. Thanks.
13 years ago
9 years ago
Great job on this years skin. It really adds a liitle extra to the game.
Maybe i'm not searching enough, but I don't seem to find the club information screen with information on ground capacity/changes , training facilities and such. I've added a screenshot using another (and far less appealing) skin where you can see what i am missing. Hopefully you can add this on a later update. To me it is quite important to be able to check out club facility info as i have a slight stadium fetish...

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago
1 month ago
It's definitely there:

12 years ago
3 weeks ago
Hi Tom,

Great skin, my fav for for FM 14 so far!

I was wondering if there is anyway that that the title bar could be changed so that the colours don't seem so dark? For example, my St Mirren title bar is Grey and Black as opposed to white and black.

18 years ago
1 month ago

A couple of screenshots of the new header. I haven't entirely decided where to put the club logo, so that might change. I've got to redo the quickflicks and tab graphics, and sort out the text colours on the action bar.
Deity Lynx
13 years ago
2 years ago
Great job as always. Can I customize the ''dark'' theme for my personal use? I'm not really comfortable with dark theme. Can you tell me how to change it?

18 years ago
1 month ago
Great job as always. Can I customize the ''dark'' theme for my personal use? I'm not really comfortable with dark theme. Can you tell me how to change it?

That's a bit of a vague request. Could you be more specific?
Deity Lynx
13 years ago
2 years ago
In FM default skin, the background colour is white, while almost all fan-made skin are darker than that. especially background colour for news, team and player profile section.
if the background colour is changeable in the xml file, can you tell me which part should I edit? i've tried to figure it out, but failed.
it's ok if it's uncustomizable.
18 years ago
1 month ago
It would involve a lot of graphics changes. As well as changing text colours, etc. You'd pretty much be creating a new skin.
Daisy Potter
11 years ago
7 years ago
Help me: How to show Backgrounds pack in Steklo X4 Skin?

I extracted them and put at ...\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\graphics\backgrounds , but not appear.
gai jin
14 years ago
5 months ago
Hi Tom,

Great skin, my fav for for FM 14 so far!

I was wondering if there is anyway that that the title bar could be changed so that the colours don't seem so dark? For example, my St Mirren title bar is Grey and Black as opposed to white and black.


I'm interested too.

Thanks for the skin
17 years ago
3 years ago
Hey Tom ive just noticed that your skin makes club names show up as short names on team overview etc, but you get the long names with default, can you rectify this please
18 years ago
1 month ago
Hey Tom ive just noticed that your skin makes club names show up as short names on team overview etc, but you get the long names with default, can you rectify this please

Unfortunately, no. Not without bringing back those ugly buttons from the standard header.
17 years ago
3 years ago
so we have to use short names, isnt there anything we can do to make long names appear
18 years ago
1 month ago
Yep, sorry. It's the only widget id that actually shows something. For some reason, it shows the full name on the squad screen, even though it's the same panel.
18 years ago
1 week ago
Hi Tom do you have any plans to add a 'Target opposition player' and 'Change player role' in the quick changes during a match? It'd be great for saving flicking to the main tactics screen and menus.
13 years ago
1 month ago
Hi there just one quick question would this skin work on FM13, the reason I ask this is background pics of stadiums don't seem to show on Steklo X3, sorry if you have already answered the question but having a quick look through the thread doesn't seem as though anyone has.

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago
1 month ago
Hi Tom do you have any plans to add a 'Target opposition player' and 'Change player role' in the quick changes during a match? It'd be great for saving flicking to the main tactics screen and menus.

They should be back in the next version, as that will have a standard action bar, rather than the FMC style one.

Hi there just one quick question would this skin work on FM13, the reason I ask this is background pics of stadiums don't seem to show on Steklo X3, sorry if you have already answered the question but having a quick look through the thread doesn't seem as though anyone has.

Thanks in advance.

Sadly, skins don't work between versions.
17 years ago
3 years ago
Tom you have to try and do something about the short names that we get on club overview etc as it looks strange, i know you said you cant without the boxes appearing behind it, so if thats the case could you make a panel where people who prefer long names can use it in there game, just an idea what do you think

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