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BOT Brad
So how will we count up our points for the 2017 AFC Champions League? The furthest you will be able to get is to the Quarter-Final stage as the Quarter-Final matches don't take place until October (after the July 1st 2016 deadline).
BOT Brad
A nail-biting end to the season! A few poor results in the middle of the season and 2 poor defeats towards the end allowed Wellington Phoenix back into the race for 1st place. Fortunately Adelaide United beat them 2-0 on the final day of the season, which meant the 3-1 win over the Brisbane Roar was enough to win the league! The Series Finals were comfortably won without any problems. The AFC Champions League was extremely fun to be a part of. We scraped through so many games and somehow ended up winning the bloody thing! I had no idea if teams we were playing were any good compared to ourselves, so we just ended up playing attacking football every game and it worked a treat!
A-League Regular Season: Premiers = 25 points
A-League Finals: Champions = 10 points
Asian Champions League: Winner = 50 points
Melbourne Victory: Played 4, Won 4 (6-1, 2-1, 6-4, 2-0) = 20 points
Sydney FC: Played 3, Won 3 (4-0, 5-2, 3-1) = 9 points
Wanderers FC: Played 3, Won 3 (4-1, 2-0, 4-1) = 9 points
Harry Kewell Challenge
Player of the Year = 25 points
Golden Boot = Not Won
Season 2 Points = 25 + 10 + 50 + 20 + 9 + 9 + 25 = 148 points
Total = 107 (S1) + 148 (S2) = 255 points
Kewell has been awful for me had to drop him
And Harry Kewell is shit.
hasen't had a good game for me yet!
BOT Brad
Really? He was even better for me in my 2nd season playing him behind Simon Pickering, however he missed a few games with injury.
Just about to wrap up my 3rd season now and although he has been nowhere near as good as the previous seasons, he has still scored 14 goals in the league and assisted 8 more.
He's scored one goal for me so far since his return from a injury lay off.
I've released Michael Misfud and replaced him with Milan Baros and the Czech made his debut in a 9-1 defeat away to Central Coast Mariners
Yeah I got rid of Misfud and made Nuno Gomes my marquee player and has done decent! Scored a hat trick in my last game
I always have huge injury problems even with players that aren't notoriously injury prone.
Harry Kewell had a decent first season for me but he did get injured a lot.
I'm in January of my second season now so the AFC Asian Cup has begun. That means I'll be missing two of my best players for a while in Mate Dugandzic and Brent McGrath, who have both been called up to the Aussie squad.
BOT Brad
A more comfortable league win this time. Had a good stretch and had the league won with around 8 games to go. We were very unlucky to lose the Series Grand Final, but I guess we can't win it all the time
A-League Regular Season: Premiers = 25 points
A-League Finals: Losing Grand Finalist = 5 points
Asian Champions League: Quarter-Final reached but July 1st passed (As if QF loss) = 10 points
Melbourne Victory: Played 4, Won 2 (4-1, 5-2) = 10 points
Sydney FC: Played 3, Won 3 (1-0, 8-1, 3-2) = 9 points
Wanderers FC: Played 3, Won 1 (2-1) = 3 points
Harry Kewell Challenge
Player of the Year = Not Won
Golden Boot = Not Won
Season 3 Points = 25 + 5 + 10 + 10 + 9 + 3 = 62 Points
Total = 107 (S1) + 148 (S2) + 62 (S3) = 317 points
Newcastle United Jets won away to Wanderers so we're now nine points behind.
Harry Kewell has continued to disappoint but is still by far our best player so I don't really want to drop him, so far he's scored once and had six assists in twelve appearances along with one player of the match award. Pretty poor for someone with outstanding stats for A-league level.
A-League Regular Season: Premiers = 25 points
A-League Finals: Winner = 10 points
Melbourne Victory: Played 3, Won 3 = 15 points
Sydney FC: Played 3, Won 0 = 0 points
Wanderers FC: Played 3, Won 1 = 3 points
Harry Kewell Challenge
Player of the Year = Not Won (Dugandzic won it instead)
Golden Boot = Not Won
Total points = 53
A-League Finals
A-League winners = 25 points
A-League Finals winners = 10 points
Beat Melbourne Victory - 1 (5-1 in A-League) = 5 points
Beat Sydney FC - 1 (2-0 in A-League) = 3 points
Beat Wanderers - 3 (1-0 in A-League, 4-1 in A-League, 2-1 in A-League) = 9 points
Total: 52 points
So far I've brought in Joey Gibbs, Steven Anderson, James Meredith, Neil Kilkenny and Chris Herd while I've brought back David Vrankovic and Jason Hoffman despite them two being released a few months back while I'm still looking for another central defender although I'm only £875 under my wage budget.
I know! My scouts keep recommending me players from the A League but there's nothing I can do. Love the Harry Kewell profile picture by the way
BOT Brad
Thanks! I'll be interested to see how others fair in the Champions League because the quality gap of teams I faced was usually quite high, with me being favourite for every game I played. Even the final I was expected to heavily beat the opponent.