tongey Activity

5 months ago
 Weloy Strikers | 2025 | MicronesiaAnother season is now in the books, and could it be the end of our time in Micronesia? Well, you'll find out very shortly if that is the case. We were promoted up from the YFA Island Wide League to the Pohnpei Premi...
5 months ago
Weloy Strikers | 2024 | Micronesia After our initial bedding in season ended in us narrowly missing out on the top spot by a single point, we were back with Weloy Strikers and were back with the aim of winning the YFA Island Wide League and get ourse...
5 months ago
Weloy Strikers | 2023 | MicronesiaWelcome to Micronesia. The Federated States of Micronesia is a country spread across the western Pacific Ocean comprising more than 600 islands. Micronesia is made up of 4 island states: Pohnpei, Kosrae, Chuuk and Yap. Th...
5 months ago
Elrico Isaacs Meet ‘Elrico Isaacs’, the new up and coming guy in the World of Football. Hailing from Namibia, and in particular, Walvis Bay. He has zero football experience and is a fresh face in the management world. Can he reach the top? Who knows,...
5 months ago
5 months ago
'Climb the Ladder' What is the challenge?The challenge revolves around being confined to specific area of the globe until we have met the criteria to pass on to the next round of the challenge. In essence we start on the lowest rung of the ladder and...
7 months ago
2036 | Sarmiento (Junin) | Argentina  It's been an absolute age since I last updated you all on this save! That's because of a couple of different reasons. Firstly, we are in the process of moving house so we had to tick some admin things off an...
8 months ago
2035 | Sarmiento (Junin) | Argentina  Welcome to Argentina! Yes, we've hopped south of the borders and gone as far as I could! When I left Monterrey, I had two options: head back to the MLS to try and tick off the Canadian Championship with one...
8 months ago
2033/2034 | CF Monterrey | MexicoI've been a little bit sneaky here. I haven't posted an update at the end of last season so I'm going to squeeze my Leagues Cup from the 2034/2035 season in here at the end, as a little bonus content. Exciting huh! At the...
8 months ago
What an incredible season mate! The progress you've made with this fabulous cup is incredible!It's no mean feat to knock Celtic off their perch in the Scottish Premiership, so props to you!Will the added capacity have a big impact on your finances for fut...
8 months ago
2033 | CF Monterrey | Mexico VIVA LA MEXICO! We're back in the land of bountiful tacos and tequila, and it feels oh so good to say that! I really do love Mexico it seems. I've already ticked off half of the countries trophies, but I'm here for the to...
8 months ago
2033 | CF Monterrey | Mexico VIVA LA MEXICO! We're back in the land of bountiful tacos and tequila, and it feels oh so good to say that! I really do love Mexico it seems. I've already ticked off half of the countries trophies, but I'm here for the to...
8 months ago
2033 | CF Monterrey | Mexico VIVA LA MEXICO! We're back in the land of bountiful tacos and tequila, and it feels oh so good to say that! I really do love Mexico it seems. I've already ticked off half of the countries trophies, but I'm here for the to...
8 months ago
2033 | CF Monterrey | Mexico VIVA LA MEXICO! We're back in the land of bountiful tacos and tequila, and it feels oh so good to say that! I really do love Mexico it seems. I've already ticked off half of the countries trophies, but I'm here for the to...
8 months ago
@Steve Robbins - Always love receiving these types of comments! Very kind words. They do say that if at first you don't succeed, try and try again. I did just that and it's seemed to pay off. 2032 | St Louis City SC | USAWith the MLS ticked off last...
8 months ago
2031 | St Louis City SC | USA After seeing out the remaining half of last season with pretty much zero idea of how the MLS actually works, I've come back for another season with the mighty St Louis City and I'm going to try my best to make it work wi...
8 months ago
A great start to this challenge! Looking good in the league and it won't be long until you're heading up the leagues.Is your plan to stay with them ,or move up the leagues to a new side when you can?
8 months ago
Just caught up from my last read up of the save! What a ridiculous long way you've brought this club!You're already cemented as a legend in the History Books for Queens Park, but imagine what you'll be when you win the Champions League one day.The future...
8 months ago
Fantastic idea for a save! I'll be watching this one closely for sure. Backed it up with a lovely opening post with a top tier graphic. Nicely done.
8 months ago
Thanks @Steve Robbins, the journey continues, and it's back to a familiar yet harrowing place for me… 2030/2031 | St Louis City SC | USAHalf of Mexico ticked off, and it was my aim to stay in Mexico, but try and get a job at a team in the top flight...
8 months ago
@Michael cox, thanks for taking the time to comment mate! Keeps me engaged and motivated!@Steve Robbins, I think your prediction may come true. Considering I had only just taken over, I was delighted to at least qualify for the Knockout Rounds last year....
8 months ago
3rd place looks secured, and you're right, it'll probably take a miracle to get up into 2nd but don't give up!An immense first campaign in the Europa League, and definitely a winnable tie against Young Boys. Could you go all the way? I hope so!
8 months ago
Congratulations on the domestic double! Never a sure fire thing in Scotland, so to topple Celtic this early is huge!  I'm sure you'll kick on and invest in the squad further.Could still do with those youth players making a step up to really challenge...
8 months ago
@bigmattb28 - The MLS is always a struggle. You either do well, or you don't. I never have any middle ground there. I'll be back to get my revenge anyway. Canada didn't really play for me, but always funny to have a name like that! When the shoe fits eh?@...
8 months ago
Just caught up on this absolute beauty of a save! What a first season in the Premiership that was! Got yourself into Europe and kicked on as if it was nothing. Buying low and selling high is the way forward. Keep on smashing it bother! Wonder what th...
9 months ago
2028 | Halifax Wanderers | CanadaI think it's fair to say that my time in the USA wasn't very successful, but I hadn't damaged my reputation too much as there were plenty of suitors who were interested in me becoming their next manager. I ultimately chose...
9 months ago
Always good to have you on board Matt! Big praise from someone like yourself! Will we be seeing something from yourself soon?
9 months ago
Amazing start at Rangers! That PSV game gave me heart palputations! All square with the club that can't be named, time to take them down?You're layouts and writing styles put mine to shame! Bravo fellow warrior!
9 months ago
2027 | LA Galaxy | USAIt wan't long from the moment I left the training ground at Deportes Iquique that I found myself back in management. I'd say I had around 4 months out of the game when I had a spell of three interviews back to back. I had interviews...
9 months ago
Fantastic first post mate! Really enjoyed reading that!Nice to see the kind of save you're going to try and create in terms of identiy and transfer strategy! Now, it's time to support the Rangers!
9 months ago
2026 | Deportes Iquique | ChileLife is good for ‘Tongey’ in Chile, having cemented himself/myself as part of the furniture at Deportes Iquique. It's been a remarkable first 3 ½ years in charge of the ‘Blue Dragons’ and I've managed to revamp the team from...
9 months ago
What a play that McKinstry is! Chipping in with goals and assists! Leading by example that's for sure!Well played on reaching that top spot. Now it's time to kick and cement yourself there!
9 months ago
@Steve Robbins - Thanks so much for commenting man! When I'm enjoying a save, I seem to play through quickly! They'll be times that I play slow, but now is not one of them!___________________________________________________________________________________...
9 months ago
2023/2024 | Deportes Iquique | ChileWelcome back to 'Tongey Travels', the stupid challenge I attempt every year and never get near to completing! This year I've started in the Americas, and in particular South America. My first club is Deportes Iquique, k...
9 months ago
Having a young squad is a blessing in my eyes! Definitely something to build on. McKinstrey looks like a great player at that level, and should be key going forward.
9 months ago
Your careers are always good reads mate! I'm looking forward to this one, as Scotland saves are always fun. Let's topple the Glasgow Giants!
9 months ago
2023/2024 | Deportes Iquique | Chile Welcome to Chile, and welcome to ‘Tongey Travels’, an adventure around the FM world trying to tick off every trophy available on the game, which is how I like to play. It's a crazy challenge that won't be complete...
9 months ago
9 months ago
My usual Journeyman save where I try and win it all.
10 months ago
January 2027 Update| RFC Liege | Belgium31st January 2027 Welcome to 2027. I can tell you that the New Year celebrations were quite wild. It turns out Debrouwere & Malam aren't just a formidable force on the pitch, but they can rock out on the da...
10 months ago
Appreciate the support @Dreamchasing! Always nice to get comments, keeps me going on this massive journey!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
10 months ago
November 2026 Update| RFC Liege | Belgium28th November 2026 The winning run comes to an end this month as we struggled to keep the same levels of performance up for another month in a row. Luckily, we've still been very, very good and have picked up...
10 months ago
Nice first season mate! Secured some vital outgoings to get the money in, and invested it well already. Time to continue building the Foxes! Can I just ask to either center the font, or have it on the left? 
10 months ago
Best of luck with this mate. Always enjoy a German save, and the money is massive when you get in and progress up the Bundesliga!
10 months ago
October 2026 Update| RFC Liege | Belgium25th October 2026Good news keeps rolling in for me. I've finally completed the ‘Continental A’ License which took absolutely ages to complete. The minute I completed it, I asked the board whether I could start the n...
10 months ago
September 2026 Update| RFC Liege | Belgium29th September 2026 September. Done and dusted, and we keep steamrolling along producing win, after win, after win. A little bit of news regarding my contract situation. It was running out, and the board deci...
10 months ago
August 2026 Update| RFC Liege | Belgium31st August 2026 I know it's been a long time since I updated you, but I've been away again. I'm back and about to start back at work which is disappointing but I've got time to play a few more seasons at the mo...
10 months ago
A fantastic idea for a save! I look forward to seeing how you get on. Up the Anderlecht!