Eugene Lee
14 years ago
3 days ago
Hi, m using Man Utd & hv bought in a few players which are Alexis Sanchez, Lorenzo Isgaine (Napoli), Pogba & Gundogen. Sold Valencia, Young, Nani, Lindergaard, Butner, Cleverly & a few more going out...

Plan to play with 4-1-3-2 with both Rooney & RVP up top & Mata as the no.10 role...what's the best role for each player as well as the team instructions? I currently hv instructions set to a attacking/possession base style...

Rooney-Complete Forward
RVP-Complete Forward
Mata-Att Mid
Sanchez-IF left
Lorenzo-IF right
Carrick-Engrache dm
Rio & Vidic-CD

Should I change the formation? My AM says the midfiled is constantly overrun by the opp...should I play with just 1 striker?

Hope for some advice. Thks!!
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
I'd say the formation is too attacking to be sustainable long term, you'll get results along the way but you will certainly come unstuck against the big teams.

There's loads of space free in midfield if Carrick is DMC and you have no MCs, hell there's loads of free space even if Carrick is the only MC. I'd say drop a striker and play two MCs, if you want a more direct style of getting the ball forward as quick as possible play two DMCs. How you pair the MCs is down to the players available to you. Carrick probably suits being a Deep Lying Playmaker or something, since you'll have 3 AMs and 1 ST left in the formation I dunno how much worth would be in having your other MC set to an attacking role. Might be worth setting him as a more defensive midfielder.

Just experiment with things, balance seems to be key with this years FM. If you are going for all out attacking formations then you have to make sure the roles match up, for example if you look at your current formation only really Mata is a creator in the final third because of his role, everyone else is basically set out to score. So it could be worth just changing a few roles and trying to make the players compliment each other.
Eugene Lee
14 years ago
3 days ago
I'd say the formation is too attacking to be sustainable long term, you'll get results along the way but you will certainly come unstuck against the big teams.

There's loads of space free in midfield if Carrick is DMC and you have no MCs, hell there's loads of free space even if Carrick is the only MC. I'd say drop a striker and play two MCs, if you want a more direct style of getting the ball forward as quick as possible play two DMCs. How you pair the MCs is down to the players available to you. Carrick probably suits being a Deep Lying Playmaker or something, since you'll have 3 AMs and 1 ST left in the formation I dunno how much worth would be in having your other MC set to an attacking role. Might be worth setting him as a more defensive midfielder.

Just experiment with things, balance seems to be key with this years FM. If you are going for all out attacking formations then you have to make sure the roles match up, for example if you look at your current formation only really Mata is a creator in the final third because of his role, everyone else is basically set out to score. So it could be worth just changing a few roles and trying to make the players compliment each other.

Yes, I agree that the midfield looks weak with loads of free space. My conclusion is that I don't think I can play Rooney, RVP & Mata in the same team unless I train Mata to be a natural AML. But considering the players I already bought in Insgine and Sanchez, I don't think I can afford to do that. Therefore, I am now experimenting with a 4-2-3-1 formation with either Pogba or Gundogan alongside Carrick...Pogba or Gundogan will be set as Adv PM while Carrick as DLP...

I have also put up Kagawa for sale in anticipation that Rooney and Mata will contest the no.10 role should this formation become my main one. I realized that my biggest mistake was not buying a proper winger in order for me to play 4-4-2 as an alternative tactic...Sanchez and Insgine are not proper wingers and crossing isn't their best traits...

Am also considering a 4-3-3 but will try that later & see the results...btw, any suggestions on Team Instructions?
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
I've never really steered far from Control and Fluid. Depends on what you want, if you want to flood the opposition box and dominate possession go for Control, if you want to utilise the pace of your attack then its worth playing with an Attacking strategy.

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