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I have been creating my own kits using SSD and have successfully added *some* of them to FM13. I'll try to explain as best I can!
I created some for Rapid Vienna and dropped them into an existing German/Austrian kit folder and replaced the existing ones....no problem with those appearing in the game. [IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/rapidkits_zps913c3352.jpg" alt="[URL=http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/dave_long2/media/rapidkits_zps913c3352.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/rapidkits_zps913c3352.jpg" />[/img]
I had already downloaded the ss'12-'13 megapack and noticed that some are not showing in the game. For instance Austria....The home kit doesn't show, the away does and so does the third - I created the third! [IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/austriakits_zps97d4b898.jpg" alt="[URL=http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/dave_long2/media/austriakits_zps97d4b898.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/austriakits_zps97d4b898.jpg" />[/img] So I created a home and third kit and added it to the Europe sub folder of the main ss'12-'13 folder - replacing the originals AND amending the config file [IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/austrianew_zps76775a76.jpg" alt="[URL=http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/dave_long2/media/austrianew_zps76775a76.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag325/dave_long2/austrianew_zps76775a76.jpg" />[/img].....But no joy, it's still the same. Why are some showing (Rapid and the Austrian third) and some not (Austria home)? I have the same problem with the England kits, they were in the original download and they're not showing either!
I hope that makes sense?! I am happy to provide other screenshots if necessary.
Thank you.
I know the OP is a bit of a mess but I'm not sure how to post thumbnails or links to photobucket properly.
As I said I'm happy to provide other screenshots
can you tell me what problem with kits? is it not showing kits? is it default kits?
why not try this - http://sortitoutsi.net/forums/topic/1514/some-kits-not-working-read-here
Default kits, no problem; they're there. I made some with SSD and only some of them are showing up. I changed the config file and made sure it was correct, but still only some of the ones I made are showing.
I did a little investigation and changed they year at the end of the config file line. This worked to a degree but, this is the confusing part, the ones that were showing before aren't now and vice versa!
Another example, I made some for Slavia Prague last night, all loaded into the kits folder, config file amended, and nothing, they don't show up. The Rapid Vienna ones I do each season, however, no problem!
That's my question, why do some show and some don't?!
Hope that reads a little better?!
In game screenie
Austria kits at the top right of the file.
However I have created kits for First Vienna, FAC Team fur Wien and Rapid Vienna, all show up without any problems!
thanks ...now i know why....you see all big capital in all kits in folders (2nd picture (not config was fine)...must no big capital.....must small capital all of them ...
thats you see this - http://sortitoutsi.net/forums/topic/4976/ss-kits-config-notice-for-kit-maker
it will working with small capital. ok
I still have the problem of my Austria home shirt (austria_nat_1 on the second pic) not showing in the game. If the config file is ok then why isn't it showing?
should be austrianat_1 mate.
do this in config and kit name as well.