Thanks to DazS8, Jubez, TomDixon77, Sortitoutsi community and DazS8 FM Graphics Group

This skin is designed for 1920x1080 resolution. It should work with other resolutions but I don't test every single panel with every possible resolution. The skin has a small sidebar version and a DF11 facepack compatible version. If you're using a smaller resolution I'd recommend using the small sidebar version.

If you have an issue please read the comments to see if it has already been fixed. Also make sure you have updated to the newest version.
If something doesn't display correctly please post:
  • Your screen resolution
  • If you're running full screen or windowed
  • A screenshot of the issue

I will NOT fix issues related to using different zoom levels. If you use any zoom level other than 100% you will have problems.

PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME A PM if it is about an issue you are having with the skin as it is much better if all issues are posted publicly so that other people with the same issue can see my reply.

Installation Instructions

Step 1

Download the skin. Make sure you delete any old Scorpio folders.

Step 2

Extract the files (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Move the folders inside into your skins folder:

Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins
Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/skins

Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.


Step 3

Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
You should see "Scorpio”, "Scorpio (DF11)" and "Scorpio (Small Sidebar)” as options in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Choose the version you want.

Hit the Confirm button.

Version Archive
wannachupbrew v1:
wannachupbrew v1.1:
wannachupbrew v1.21:
Scorpio v1.3:
Scorpio v1.4:
Scorpio v1.51:
Scorpio v1.6:
Scorpio v1.7:
Scorpio v1.8:
Scorpio v1.9:
Scorpio v2.0:
13 years ago
2 years ago
Will that code work with the scorpio version with normal sidebars?

Yes. And I will quote myself from two pages ago:
Here's the fixed config files for all versions of the skin to make it simple.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to put that to the first page until a new version is released since a lot of people seems to be asking it.
12 years ago
1 week ago
Great skin works fine with all previous patches but cannot get it to appear with the new 15.2 patch.
Have tried clearing cache data and starting new game but still no luck.
Any idea why this is not working ?
13 years ago
4 months ago
Great skin works fine with all previous patches but cannot get it to appear with the new 15.2 patch.
Have tried clearing cache data and starting new game but still no luck.
Any idea why this is not working ?
read the topic for 15.2 fix
13 years ago
2 years ago
I sent you a PM wannachupbrew. There's a fix for one annoying bug.
12 years ago
3 years ago
Yes. And I will quote myself from two pages ago:

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to put that to the first page until a new version is released since a lot of people seems to be asking it.

My problem is that i have tried that, but the skins still doesnt appear in the interface section. Any advice? I appreciate your help.
13 years ago
2 years ago
Are you using a Mac? On PC those settings definitely work.
12 years ago
2 years ago
Bergkamp player stats uses different files for the background than the other panels. By default it uses the files at boxes/custom/plain/standard/paper while other panels use the files in graphics/boxes/subsection/standard.

There's two ways to fix it. The easy way would be to copy the "paper" and "paper@2x" files from Scorpio/graphics/boxes/subsection/standard/ into Scorpio/graphics/boxes/custom/plain/standard/

The other way, which I would do it, would be opening the bergkamp player stats.xml in the panels folder and changing the <container id="pslt" class="plain_box" appearance="boxes/custom/plain/standard/paper"> to <container id="pslt" class="plain_box" appearance="boxes/subsection/standard">

The second option would change the bergkamp player stats to use the same paper files as the other panels and if you ever want to change the transparency of the panels you would only need to edit the opacity of one file.

But as wannachupbrew said, you have made changes to the skin and since I don't know what all you have been changing, I cannot really help any further either. Hopefully that helps though.

The stats panel has different border sizes, which is why it has it's own files. You will need to copy the "paper" and "paper@2x" files from 'Scorpio/graphics/boxes/bordered/standard/' into 'Scorpio/graphics/boxes/custom/plain/standard/' and open the 'paper.xml' file and change '<record id="image_borders" left="10" right="10" top="5" bottom="1"/>' to '<record id="image_borders" left="8" right="8" top="0" bottom="0"/>'. Or just put the files back that were originally in the skin.

Thanks guys! Works fine for me.
12 years ago
3 years ago
Are you using a Mac? On PC those settings definitely work.

Im using a Mac, yes.
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hi mate

Is there any way to revert the title headers and menu font back to normal? The new font is a bit gharish, would like to change it back if possible - cheers. Other than though the best skin I've seen in years ^_^.

Also, is there any way to change the size of the badges on the player profile screen, behind the players photo? They seem to be a bit fuzzy with the pack I use and I think scaling the size down a notch would fix that problem. If you can let me know if this is possible and how to do so I'd appreciate it. I presume I need to edit something in one of the panel files but can't quite find the right part.
Thiago Soares dos Santos
10 years ago
3 years ago
Hi guys, someone could help me?
I just want put in my original skin the options "Suitability" and "Coach report" in overview player profile, what files I put in panels?
13 years ago
2 years ago
player overview panel.xml, wannachupbrew player scout reports.xml and wannachupbrew player suitability.xml
13 years ago
2 years ago
I don't get it. My side panel has never been transparent and instead it picks the team color and then I hear that they should be transparent... What the hell am I doing wrong here

EDIT: Nevermind.. If i just sometimes booted the game when playing with the skins it would probably work...
13 years ago
2 years ago
Has anyone else noticed that the bar colours in the action zone screen and some statistic circles have changed from red and white to red and blue? And when going to events/reminders there's a blue bar at top of the square of the current date and I can't remember it being there before (not blue anyway!). I wonder how are we able to change those. I've been looking through the new files but I'm just banging my head to the wall.

EDIT: Okay it seems that it's related to team colours. Noticed it after I changed my save for a moment. I still wonder if it's possible to manually set the colours though.
17 years ago
1 month ago
A request for the next update -

Could "Media description" be added to the player info panel.

Or if anyone knows how that could be edited in?

Thank you.
14 years ago
2 months ago
how i can edit the score board in 3d match? i want to make the scoreboard more bigger
11 years ago
4 months ago
v1.8 is almost done, it's a pretty big one. Here's the link to the beta if anyone wants to try it out and give feedback:

- DazS8 background selector update
- Tweaked DazS8's Blue skin colours
- Fixed a few alignment issues on various panels
- Moved finances panel on boardroom overview
- Added DazS8's processing graphics
- Various other bugfixes caused by 15.2 patch
- Fixed the tactics widget in the club overview not showing player names since 15.2 patch
- Updated config files for 15.2 patch compatibility
- Fixed sidebar not being transparent on some screens (thanks TomDixon77)
- Titlebar and sidebar changes
- Manager and Staff screen overview updates
- Club overview updates
13 years ago
2 years ago
It looks fantastic and I'm so glad you went for the rounded borders! I'm definitely gonna use this now (with a little bit of customization of course!).The images in scout report are not very well done though. They are not completely circle and I fixed them for myself some time ago, but they are 30x30 px instead of 40x40 px that you are using. The original images cannot be just resized becuse there's empty room around the image and you reduce the size it adds some extra pixels around the image so they are not perfect circles anymore. You have to crop the image first so there's no empty space around it and then downscale it.

Here's the 30x30 images if you want to use them. If you prefer the 40x40 I could probably do them for you so you don't have to use those ugly images in the report card. I'd suggest you to try the 30x30 version though, because at least in my opinion it looks much better.

EDIT: Another thing I've been trying to fix is the color of your league position on the club page. I just can't figure out how to change it, but if you can sort it out it would be a great addition. Nitpicking I know, but just something to do if you find a way to do it.

I also see you didn't fix the player profile panel for regen faces. The regen faces are still a lot smaller than any other face. I sent you a PM how to fix it earlier.

Here are the fixed profile panels. V1.12 no kit looks identical apart from regen faces now properly scaling to same size as other pictures. With the 180px version with shirt I had to reduce the container height to 180px so I could use the picture scaling. By having a different layer for the shirt and the face this could probably be sorted much like with the v1.12 no kit. So at least the fix for v1.12 should be included and then concider the other one too after checking how it looks to you.
Hopping Witch
13 years ago
3 years ago
Hi Wanna, the Beta looks great!
Just a little one thing: There is a red square on the left side next to the club logo on Club screen/Club details - could you fix it? Maybe you can only see it when filter is 40% or more. Sorry, I cannot make a screenshot with ALT+F9, wonder why... Hope you understand what I mean anyway.
Good work!!! :-)
13 years ago
2 years ago
It shows the club kit colors on the background in club overview. Your team's color is probably red with no stripes or anything so it would just show as a solid red. If you want to remove it then open "club overview details panel.xml" in the panel folder and add the bolded bit or just remove this part of the code:

<!-- kit style background image -->
<!-- <widget class="picture" id="ktbg" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="false" image_alignment="top, left" file="graphics/pictures/kit/back">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="0"/>
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0"/>

<!-- set kit 'background' logo -->
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="ktgb"/>
<integer id="set_property" value="file"/>
</widget> -->

It tells the game not to use that part of the code, but it still remains in the file if you later want to turn it on. To turn it back on just remove the <!-- and -->

I also fixed the stat panel. I see you have fixed it so it shows the average rating for keepers too, but the Con/90 title text at top of the panel is not completely visible. To fix that I increased the width of that one column and it's now 9% wider than the rest to be exact, but you can't really see it and as a trade off the Con/90 is now visible in full:
Hopping Witch
13 years ago
3 years ago
Hi Jubez, thanks for your reply. I dont't think this has anything to do with the background, can you please take a look:
13 years ago
2 years ago
Hi Jubez, thanks for your reply. I dont't think this has anything to do with the background, can you please take a look:

That's your teams kit colour. When its one solid color it can look very bad I agree and I just edited my last post with a guide to remove it. I'd recommend you using the <!-- and --> around the code because the kit color on the background looks rather nice with most of the teams and it's then easy to turn back on later if you play with another team.
Hopping Witch
13 years ago
3 years ago
You're right Jubez, thanks a lot! :-D
13 years ago
2 years ago
And to spam the threat a little more I'd also suggest you to change the height of the top panel in the second column from the right in Club Profile view. It's of course a matter of personal taste, but those shirts begin to looks rather blurry when the panel is that big and at least in my opinion it looks better when all three rows have the same height. Simply change the default height from -4 to -3 under <!--snapshot selector 1--> in club overview panel.xml. I'm sorry to spam the thread, but I just notice this things as I play and the skin is so close to be perfect for my taste that I like to share my opinion!
12 years ago
3 years ago
Great work on the Beta version. Finally i got the skin to appear. But one question; The backgrounds is not visible. as the picture in the link shows, the background is behind that black "window", if I can call it that. How do I make the black "window" disappear?
13 years ago
2 years ago
Okay I figured out why the league position in the club view doesn't match rest of the text there (as you can see in lokoys screenshot). In club overview panel.xml change the colour value of position from "selection" to "selection" like it's for rest of the text there. Such a small thing makes such a big difference
13 years ago
2 years ago
Great work on the Beta version. Finally i got the skin to appear. But one question; The backgrounds is not visible. as the picture in the link shows, the background is behind that black "window", if I can call it that. How do I make the black "window" disappear?

It definitely doesn't have any extra layers for me. Did you delete any previous scorpio skins before changing to this? Overwriting the existing folder could cause such problems.
10 years ago
9 years ago
Excellent Skin, however the "Last Starting 11" view (3rd screenshot in the above) does not show the players names for me.

It shows the formations, however where the players names should be - it's just a blank black box.

Any ideas? This is for all 3 versions (Scorpio, DF11 and Small Sidebar)

Edit: Uploaded screenshot of a random team in my league:

It's the same for every team....
11 years ago
6 months ago
Beta works brilliantly, can't fault anything yet.

When do you plan to release 1.8?

EDIT: The in game opposition formation could be bigger, the things are tiny.
11 years ago
4 months ago
Beta works brilliantly, can't fault anything yet.

When do you plan to release 1.8?

EDIT: The in game opposition formation could be bigger, the things are tiny.
I'll probably release 1.8 tomorrow. I haven't touched a lot of the match screens, I started working on some of it last night but it probably won't be ready until v1.9

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