Thanks to DazS8, Jubez, TomDixon77, Sortitoutsi community and DazS8 FM Graphics Group

This skin is designed for 1920x1080 resolution. It should work with other resolutions but I don't test every single panel with every possible resolution. The skin has a small sidebar version and a DF11 facepack compatible version. If you're using a smaller resolution I'd recommend using the small sidebar version.

If you have an issue please read the comments to see if it has already been fixed. Also make sure you have updated to the newest version.
If something doesn't display correctly please post:
  • Your screen resolution
  • If you're running full screen or windowed
  • A screenshot of the issue

I will NOT fix issues related to using different zoom levels. If you use any zoom level other than 100% you will have problems.

PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME A PM if it is about an issue you are having with the skin as it is much better if all issues are posted publicly so that other people with the same issue can see my reply.

Installation Instructions

Step 1

Download the skin. Make sure you delete any old Scorpio folders.

Step 2

Extract the files (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Move the folders inside into your skins folder:

Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins
Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/skins

Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.


Step 3

Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
You should see "Scorpio”, "Scorpio (DF11)" and "Scorpio (Small Sidebar)” as options in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Choose the version you want.

Hit the Confirm button.

Version Archive
wannachupbrew v1:
wannachupbrew v1.1:
wannachupbrew v1.21:
Scorpio v1.3:
Scorpio v1.4:
Scorpio v1.51:
Scorpio v1.6:
Scorpio v1.7:
Scorpio v1.8:
Scorpio v1.9:
Scorpio v2.0:
11 years ago
3 months ago
with the small bar version you can see your club's stadium.
how can you get the real stadium pic in the game instead of the coloured seats?
for example; for manutd you get at 'club' old trafford with above coloured seats, i want te pic of the stadium
Download a stadium pack
10 years ago
9 years ago
Hello again Wanna! Thanks for the awesome skin imo best skin for FM15

Could you please tell me how i can change the main menu background? I would like to use one of the following:

Thanks again
11 years ago
3 months ago
Hello again Wanna! Thanks for the awesome skin imo best skin for FM15

Could you please tell me how i can change the main menu background? I would like to use one of the following:

Thanks again
Replace the pictures in "Scorpio/graphics/backgrounds"
14 years ago
10 months ago
After the new patch, clicking a player from the 'Tactics' screen just leads me to a blank screen?
11 years ago
3 months ago
After the new patch, clicking a player from the 'Tactics' screen just leads me to a blank screen?
Delete "Scorpio" folder and reinstall
Hopping Witch
13 years ago
3 years ago
Delete "Scorpio" folder and reinstall

Did not work for me, Wanna - something is wrong with the tactic screen after the last update. After reinstalling the Scorpio skin, I can get to a player by clicking, but the tactic pitch is red and complete empty

Edit: And when I go after that to the Squad I cannot see any player. I have to go twice to this screen, then the squad appears.
11 years ago
3 months ago
Did not work for me, Wanna - something is wrong with the tactic screen after the last update. After reinstalling the Scorpio skin, I can get to a player by clicking, but the tactic pitch is red and complete empty

Edit: And when I go after that to the Squad I cannot see any player. I have to go twice to this screen, then the squad appears.
Do you mean the Scorpio update or did SI release a new patch?
11 years ago
3 months ago
Ok, so SI's new patch has wrecked a few things (again). I'm downloading the patch now and I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: Just tested it and the squad, tactics and news screens were messed up for me. I verified the cache in steam and it seems to be fine so far.
10 years ago
3 months ago
I'm planning on making a version for lower resolutions in the next update because trying to keep it compatible with all resolutions is limiting what I can do for people with 1920x1080. For now though, I'd suggest you use the small sidebar version.

Ok thanks for replying. Not meaning to be pushy because I appreciate that you put a lot of work into making these skins but do you know when you'll be making a skin for smaller resolutions? Thanks
11 years ago
3 months ago
Probably will be ready in about 2 weeks. I'm flat out with work and haven't got much free time right now.
Hopping Witch
13 years ago
3 years ago
Ok, so SI's new patch has wrecked a few things (again). I'm downloading the patch now and I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: Just tested it and the squad, tactics and news screens were messed up for me. I verified the cache in steam and it seems to be fine so far.

Yes, I meant SI's latest update ... Okay, thanks for your reply - I'll try again when I'm back at home
16 years ago
4 years ago
nice work.
Youth squad icon Number(ex : 18 or 21) is gone
Hopping Witch
13 years ago
3 years ago
Still doesn't work for me after SI's patch, Wanna I repaired the game by Steam and deleted the AppCache folder, but it's still the same - please take a look (default skin works fine):
12 years ago
11 hours ago
this seems to be working fine on mine. I deleted the skins before downloading the update then reload the skins.
11 years ago
3 months ago
Still doesn't work for me after SI's patch, Wanna I repaired the game by Steam and deleted the AppCache folder, but it's still the same - please take a look (default skin works fine):
That's exactly what happened to me but verifying the cache fixed it for me. Try changing your rendering mode in preferences>interface
Hopping Witch
13 years ago
3 years ago
Thank you both - in the meantime I tried to reinstall the game (without deleting the user folder, because before the patch it works fine) - nothing. Then I tried to use software rendering instead of GPU - nothing. Tomorrow I will delete Scorpio first and then try a reinstall of the game again. I am so sad - the whole week I was looking forward to play at weekend, and now ...
11 years ago
3 months ago
Thank you both - in the meantime I tried to reinstall the game (without deleting the user folder, because before the patch it works fine) - nothing. Then I tried to use software rendering instead of GPU - nothing. Tomorrow I will delete Scorpio first and then try a reinstall of the game again. I am so sad - the whole week I was looking forward to play at weekend, and now ...
If you've already reinstalled the game I don't think doing it again will fix it. We'll just have to narrow down what would be causing it on your system. Are you on windows, linux or mac? Also, if you're in windowed mode try fullscreen.
Hopping Witch
13 years ago
3 years ago
Hey Wanna, I am on Windows 7, fullscreen
11 years ago
3 months ago
Hey Wanna, I am on Windows 7, fullscreen
Ok same here, so that's not it. I'll PM you some files later to see if that fixes it.
Hopping Witch
13 years ago
3 years ago
That's very kind, thank you! I'll try them as soon as I am back at home!
16 years ago
4 years ago
After 15.3 patch, your skin can't tell the differences between the U21 and U18 squads on side menu.

What about put the numbers on each icon?

Before this patch, I could see U21 and U18 text on youth icons after delete Scorpio folder and reinstall.

Now the solution above doesn't work anymore.
11 years ago
3 months ago
After 15.3 patch, your skin can't tell the differences between the U21 and U18 squads on side menu.

What about put the numbers on each icon?

Before this patch, I could see U21 and U18 text on youth icons after delete Scorpio folder and reinstall.

Now the solution above doesn't work anymore.
I haven't got that issue on my system, have you checked to see if it still does it on the default skin? Also, I haven't changed any of the sidebar icons or the sidebar menu table so that's not the issue.
13 years ago
4 months ago
For some reason, after the 15.3.0 update, I switch to 1.9 version of this skin. I start to have this ugly spectrum color background which won't go away. This only occur when I use small sidebar version though. Other versions are fine.

Anyway to make it transparent like before? I really love small side bar version.

11 years ago
3 months ago
For some reason, after the 15.3.0 update, I switch to 1.9 version of this skin. I start to have this ugly spectrum color background which won't go away. This only occur when I use small sidebar version though. Other versions are fine.

Anyway to make it transparent like before? I really love small side bar version.

Try copying the settings folder from the Scorpio folder into the Scorpio small sidebar folder.
13 years ago
4 months ago
Did it but still not fixed.
11 years ago
3 months ago
Did it but still not fixed.
It's not loading colours from the settings file for some reason. It's working fine for me on both of my computers.
13 years ago
4 months ago
I copied all files from panels folder in small sidebar to replace the ones in normal version. Switching to normal version and it work just fine (transparent blackground + small sidebar). Not sure if this fix is permanent but I will use it for now.

Ty #wannachupbrew
11 years ago
3 months ago
I copied all files from panels folder in small sidebar to replace the ones in normal version. Switching to normal version and it work just fine (transparent blackground + small sidebar). Not sure if this fix is permanent but I will use it for now.

Ty #wannachupbrew
Yeah that should work for now, the patch is doing weird stuff to skins. After working all day trying to figure it out none of it's making sense. I think I'll just wait until SI sorts it out.
12 years ago
11 hours ago
Wanna and Shizu I had the same issue until I cleared the cache and change some something in the prefences so the skin can reloaded when the changes are being saved. This worked. It is like when you add kits. logos and face packs you have to the cache then the reload the skin or restart the game.
Hopping Witch
13 years ago
3 years ago
Wanna, just FYI: I think, I solved the problem by deleting the tactics folder - now all seems to be alright Tomorrow, I will test it in detail ...

Edit: Can't find messed up screens anymore, all seems okay now. I did the following:

1. Delete the game completely (incl. user folder)
2. Installed the game once more and started it. Works okay with default skin.
3. Installed Scorpio - works fine.
4. Installed backup of my whole old user folder - messed up screens.
5. Deleted only the tactics folder in user data - Scorpio works fine!

So I think something had been wrong with the tactics folder, don't know what...

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