11 years ago
9 years ago
Hello everyboedy.

I did play a little of FM 2013, since that I did start playing this one. I do think I like more of this.

I'm trying to get some staff and it's been a huge pain. Some of them just show up if I've their nationality selected in load screen. Other's accept the contracts when I've only one league selected, the one i do want to play, and when I pick their nationality, they are not available do even discuss. The problem is, René Meulensteen shows up when I don't have Netherlands selected and doesn't when I have it.

Can everybody help me? Am I doing something wrong?

Also, Would be great to have some names for different positions in my staff. I know a few, but "you're always learning every single day".

Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
This happens because the game can only load X amount of players and staff in regards to the database size you select and the leagues you select. So in regards to Meulensteen he may be in the game if you load the EPL due to the fact he has a decent reputation and that EPL clubs could afford him, whereas if you just load the Dutch league he may not appear due to the fact Dutch clubs may not be able to afford him and the game will load more coaches based in and around Holland.

If you load a large database you will have more staff to choose from, but also if you go over board and load too many leagues it will slow the game down. Also remember that not every single staff member will appear on the staff search screen, it depends on how good your scouting knowledge is of the country he is from.

As for new staff I think your best bet is to put up a job advert and do a manual staff search, these are the stats I usually look for;

Ast Man; Judging Ability + Potential (I like to look at the team report screen a lot and get a final opinion on a player before I sign him), Motivating (for team talks)
Coaches; Determination, Discipline + Motivating and then whatever coaching stat (In old FMs these 3 mental stat used to help a coaches star rating in his training category, not sure if its still done this way but I still follow it)
Physio; I tend to just go for the Physiotherapy stat, Determination and Discipline are a welcome bonus
Scout; Judging Ability + Potential

If I'm in the EPL I want at least 15 for these stats, if its Championship I want 13, 11/12 for League 1/League 2 and anything in and around 10 for non-league is great. All depends on who is available and what your budget is.

Staff tend to grow a lot if you get them young, so don't be too downhearted if you can only get young staff who are a little worse than what you actually want. They will get better
11 years ago
9 years ago
First of all, thank you Sheriff Skacel.

I forget to mention that I did select the biggest db size. Also, I did select ENGLAND, NETHERLANDS, PORTUGAL, BRAZIL, SPAIN, GERMANY and I think that's it. My computer does not take so much. So I prefer to run it until 2 stars performance lol

All the selected nations are in playable mode. Even so I only play in Portuguese league.

That's strange that I can search for him when I'm only with Portuguese nation selected, not with others i did mention.

Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
It is weird, is it just on the Staff Search he isn't showing or on the overall in game search when you search for a name?
11 years ago
9 years ago
I did search for him in normal search and advanced one.

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