This page refers to an older game FM14. View Croatian Third Division Central in all games.

The Croatian Third Division Central is a league in Football Manager 2014. Third Division Central can be found in Croatia in FM 14.

This page describes Croatian Third Division Central in FM14 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM14 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM14 Database Update instead.

Croatian Third Division Central
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Manage in Croatian Third Division Central in Football Manager 2014

Are you looking to manage a team in Croatian Third Division Central in FM14? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Croatian Third Division Central and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
NK Bistra 0 Poor Poor Limited 38 39
NK Dubrava 0 Poor Poor Limited 49 52
NK Dugo Selo 120 Poor Poor Limited 50 53
NK HASK £-77k £296 188 Below Average Adequate Limited 51 55
NK Karlovac 1919 £-2m £-473 1,367 Good Adequate Limited 47 51
NK Klas Micevec 0 Poor Poor Limited 28 29
NK Libertas Novska 0 Poor Poor Limited 29 30
NK Maksimir 0 Poor Poor Limited 50 53
NK Samobor 400 Basic Poor Limited 13 14
NK Spansko 200 Poor Poor Limited 32 33
NK Stupnik 0 Poor Poor Limited 51 53
NK Tekstilac-Ravnice 0 Poor Poor Limited 23 24
NK Tresnjevka 0 Poor Poor Limited 49 53
NK Trnje 200 Basic Basic Limited 52 55
NK Udarnik 0 Poor Poor Limited 37 39
NK Vrapce 0 Basic Below Average Limited 53 55
NK Vrbovec £-71k 550 Basic Below Average Limited 54 56
NK Zagorec 200 Basic Poor Limited 39 40