This page refers to an older game FM14. View Eredivisie in all games.

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The Eredivisie is a league in Football Manager 2014. Eredivisie can be found in Holland in FM 14. The Eredivisie is playable in FM2014.

This page describes Eredivisie in FM14 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM14 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM14 Database Update instead.

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Manage in Eredivisie in Football Manager 2014

Are you looking to manage a team in Eredivisie in FM14? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Eredivisie and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
ADO Den Haag £2m £237k 12,000 Average Great Limited 65 68
AFC Ajax £33m £8m £726k 20.81 53,582 Superb Excellent Excellent 77 82
Ajax £30m £18m 50,147 Superb Superb Limited 69 72
AZ £6m £1m 16,354 Excellent Excellent Limited 66 68
AZ Alkmaar £22m £7m £150k 20.01 16,967 Superb Superb Excellent 75 80
FC Groningen £9m £2m 22,032 Great Great Limited 64 67
FC Twente £15m £8m 28,119 Excellent Great Limited 66 70
FC Utrecht £8m £1m 19,448 Great Great Limited 65 68
Feyenoord £325k 45,075 Superb Superb Limited 67 71
Go Ahead Eagles £296k £59k 4,528 Adequate Adequate Limited 61 64
Heracles Almelo £3m £592k 8,453 Average Good Limited 64 66
NAC Breda £-2m 17,798 Great Average Limited 63 65
NEC Nijmegen £3m £296k 12,203 Good Good Limited 64 66
PEC Zwolle £887k 8,556 Average Below Average Limited 63 65
PSV £9m £18m 33,406 Superb Excellent Limited 67 71
RKC Waalwijk £118k 4,301 Average Average Limited 62 64
Roda JC Kerkrade £2m £296k 14,289 Great Adequate Limited 64 66
SC Cambuur Leeuwarden £532k £59k 5,805 Adequate Adequate Limited 61 64
sc Heerenveen £11m £2m 25,306 Excellent Great Limited 64 68
Vitesse £15m £4m 18,176 Great Great Limited 66 70