This page refers to an older game FM14. View Slovenian Third League East in all games.

The Slovenian Third League East is a league in Football Manager 2014. Third League East can be found in Slovenia in FM 14.

This page describes Slovenian Third League East in FM14 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM14 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM14 Database Update instead.

Slovenian Third League East
Total Teams
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Manage in Slovenian Third League East in Football Manager 2014

Are you looking to manage a team in Slovenian Third League East in FM14? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Slovenian Third League East and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
ND Avto Skafar Beltinci £106k £24k 0 Basic Basic Limited 51 55
ND Dravinja Kostroj Slovenske Konjice £154k £47k 220 Basic Basic Limited 53 58
ND Nafta 1903 Lendava £95k £24k 120 Adequate Adequate Limited 48 53
NK Aha Emmi Bistrica £95k £18k 100 Poor Poor Limited 45 48
NK Avto Rajh Ljutomer £106k £24k 0 Basic Poor Limited 44 49
NK Carda Martjanci £95k £18k 0 Poor Poor Limited 50 52
NK Drava Ptuj £95k £47k 350 Basic Basic Limited 52 56
NK Fosilum Sentjur £83k £18k 100 Poor Poor Limited 51 56
NK Grad £95k £18k 0 Poor Poor Limited 31 33
NK Malecnik £95k £18k 100 Poor Poor Limited 53 56
NK Odranci £106k £24k 150 Basic Basic Limited 54 57
NK Rakican £95k £18k 0 Poor Poor Limited 35 38
NK Smarje pri Jelsah £95k £18k 100 Poor Poor Limited 18 19
NK Tromejnik G-Sukic Kuzma £95k £18k 0 Poor Poor Limited 31 34