This page refers to an older game Football Manager 2016. View Uruguayan Canelones Zone in all games.

The Uruguayan Canelones Zone is a league in Football Manager 2016. Canelones Zone can be found in Uruguay in FM 16.

This page describes Uruguayan Canelones Zone in FM16 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM16 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM16 Database Update instead.

Uruguayan Canelones Zone
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Manage in Uruguayan Canelones Zone in Football Manager 2016

Are you looking to manage a team in Uruguayan Canelones Zone in FM16? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Uruguayan Canelones Zone and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
C.C.S. y D. Juventud Melilla £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Basic Limited 6 6
C.S.C. y D. Tierra de Campeones £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Club Atlántida Juniors £11k £1k £1k 0 Poor Poor Limited 6 6
Club Atlético Cerrillos £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 5 5
Club Atlético Chimenea £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Club Atlético Cinco Esquinas £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Basic Limited 16 17
Club Atlético Cuatro Esquinas £6k £600 £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Club Atlético Estrella del Norte £6k £600 £1k 0 Poor Poor Limited 16 16
Club Atlético Frontera Brandon £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 5 5
Club Atlético Huracán San Ramón £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Basic Limited 21 22
Club Atlético Ideal £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 39 40
Club Atlético Juanicó £12k £1k £1k 0 Basic Basic Limited 32 34
Club Atlético Libertad de Canelones £11k £1k £1k 150 Basic Basic Limited 22 22
Club Atlético Libertad Washington £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Basic Limited 15 16
Club Atlético Los Ceibos £9k £1k £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Club Atlético Progreso de E. Atlántida £9k £750 £1k 0 Poor Poor Limited 10 11
Club Atlético Punta de Rieles £6k £600 £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Club Atlético Santa Rosa £12k £1k £1k 0 Poor Poor Limited 34 35
Club Defensor Atlanta £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 28 29
Club Deportivo Parque del Plata £8k £1k £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Club Deportivo San Francisco £12k £1k £1k 0 Poor Poor Limited 10 11
Club Deportivo y Social Wanderers £9k £750 £1k 100 Poor Basic Limited 0 0
Club Nacional de Fútbol de Tala £15k £2k £4k 100 Poor Poor Limited 6 6
Club Sportivo Artigas £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Club Vida Nueva y Deportivo San Jacinto £14k £1k £1k 0 Poor Poor Limited 11 12
Darling Atlético Club £8k £750 £1k 0 Poor Poor Limited 16 17
Ferrocarrilero Fútbol Club £11k £1k £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 16 17
Institución Atlética Atlanta Juniors £8k £750 £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Liverpool Centro Deportivo Social £12k £1k £1k 0 Basic Basic Limited 6 6
Progreso de Canelones £11k £1k £1k 0 Poor Basic Limited 0 0
Rampla Juniors Villa Colón £29k £750 £750 100 Poor Poor Limited 10 10
San Bautista Vida Nueva Fútbol Club £9k £900 £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 12 12
Santa Lucía Fútbol Club £9k £1k £1k 100 Poor Poor Limited 5 5
Wanderers Atlético Club £9k £1k £1k 150 Basic Basic Limited 29 30