This page refers to an older game FM16. View Homenetmen in all games.

Homenetmen are a team in Football Manager 2016. Homenetmen play in the Lebanese Second Division in Lebanon in FM 16.

Lebanese Second Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Fairly Basic
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Homenetmen Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Homenetmen will be Poor

Homenetmen Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Homenetmen in Football Manager 2016?

This is a guide to managing Homenetmen in FM16. If you want to play Football Manager 2016 with an updated Homenetmen squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM16 Update which updates the Football Manager 2016 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2016 Data Update you can download.

Homenetmen Players in FM16

All Homenetmen Players in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Christian Timonian 19 AM L, ST £130 £37k £14k 31-12-2015
Agob Donabidian 33 D/WB L, AM RL, ST £90 £2k £830 31-12-2015
Krikor Alozian 37 D C, M C £90 £1k £470 31-12-2015
Omar El-Halabi 22 ST £60 £1k £1k 31-12-2015
Terro Kehian 44 ST £80 £630 £650 31-12-2015
Moheir Barbarian 21 ST £60 £1k £2k 31-12-2015
Sarkis Abajian 38 AM C £60 £290 £290 31-12-2015
Haroutian Kolosian 24 AM/F C £60 £1k £1k 31-12-2015
Vartan Jokolian 21 ST £70 £3k £3k 31-12-2015
Ashraf Sakr 18 AM R £50 £2k £3k 31-12-2015
Dani Nasser 40 DM £50 £180 £170 31-12-2015
Antonio Soto 28 D C £40 £950 £920 31-12-2015
Serop Akmkejian 29 ST £50 £810 £780 31-12-2015
Ouhanos Azmerelian 21 D R £40 £930 £1k 31-12-2015
Vardan Boubajian 23 ST £40 £450 £430 31-12-2015
Ali Awada 20 D C, DM £50 £930 £1k 31-12-2015
Jean Kotanne 26 D/WB L £40 £930 £850 31-12-2015
Karen Koshkerian 22 WB/AM L £40 £420 £360 31-12-2015
Robert Adourian 21 ST £40 £890 £910 31-12-2015
Sebastian Charles Costantine 27 D LC £30 £370 £330 31-12-2015
Anthony Zeidan 27 D R £30 £320 £280 31-12-2015
Arsen Malekian 18 M C £40 £400 £600 31-12-2015
Vartan Koshoian 28 GK £40 £350 £300 31-12-2015
Sarkis Eskedjian 20 ST £40 £490 £550 31-12-2015
Narsis Barbarian 19 D/WB L £40 £420 £550 31-12-2015
Sarkis Donabedian 20 D/WB RL £40 £420 £470 31-12-2015
Ali Saif El-Deen 26 AM C £40 £420 £350 31-12-2015
Hosep Sarkisian 17 WB/AM R £40 £540 £850 31-12-2015

Homenetmen Peaked Players in FM16

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Serop Akmkejian 29 ST £50 £810 £780 31-12-2015