This page refers to an older game FM16. View Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz in all games.

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Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz are a team in Football Manager 2016. Gostaresh Foulad play in the Iranian Professional League in Iran in FM 16.

Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz
Iranian Professional League
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Below Average
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz Newgen Rating

Below Average

Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz will be Below Average

Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz in Football Manager 2016?

This is a guide to managing Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz in FM16. If you want to play Football Manager 2016 with an updated Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM16 Update which updates the Football Manager 2016 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2016 Data Update you can download.

Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz Players in FM16

All Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz Players in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Mohammad Hasan Ebrahimi 30 ST £960 £2m £1m 31-12-2015
Morteza Asadi 34 M L £450 £226k £103k 31-12-2015
Jaber Ansari 27 D LC, DM, M LC £680 £2m £925k 31-12-2015
Meysam Naghizadeh 28 DM £640 £2m £827k 31-12-2015
Magno 29 AM R, ST £620 £1m £661k 31-12-2015
Mostafa Ekrami 31 D L £340 £373k £166k 31-12-2015
Léo 32 AM/F C £300 £222k £98k 31-12-2015
Omid Nezamipour 28 DM, M LC £470 £1m £505k 31-12-2015
Mohammad Amin Darvishi 21 AM/F C £360 £1m £493k 31-12-2015
Seyed Mohsen Hosseini 29 D C £290 £413k £173k 31-12-2015
Alireza Latifi 30 D C £250 £452k £189k 31-12-2015
Ahmad Amirkamdar 26 DM £350 £437k £183k 31-12-2015
Rasoul Pirzadeh 32 ST £260 £176k £74k 31-12-2015
Alireza Naghizadeh 21 AM C £300 £834k £1m 31-12-2015
Alireza Mirshafieian 36 D L £160 £63k £26k 31-12-2015
Davoud Noushi 24 GK £170 £323k £210k 31-12-2015
Rasoul Khatibi 36 AM/F C £200 £65k £26k 31-12-2016
Adel Sarshar 22 D C £240 £386k £432k 31-12-2015
Hedayat Shahriari 38 WB R £130 £14k £5k 31-12-2015
Yousef Seyedi 18 DM £120 £209k £416k 31-12-2015
Farshad Pourkhanmohammad 21 D C, DM £130 £119k £148k 31-12-2015
Mohammad Naseri 21 GK £100 £59k £73k 31-12-2015
Hamed Nourollahi 22 M LC £100 £50k £49k 31-12-2015
Ali Mortezaei 20 D C £100 £37k £52k 31-12-2015
Shakour Parastar 20 ST £100 £30k £42k 31-12-2015
Amin Taghizadeh 20 D C £100 £24k £33k 31-12-2015
Reza Kheyrdar 20 D R £100 £18k £25k 31-12-2015
Arash Ouchlar 20 D C £100 £24k £33k 31-12-2015
Amin Khatibi 18 ST £100 £14k £24k 31-12-2015
Shahin Mahmoudi 17 GK £100 £9k £17k 31-12-2015

Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz Staff in FM16

Gostaresh Foulad Tabriz Staff in Football Manager 2016