This page refers to an older game FM16. View Ullensaker/Kisa IL in all games.

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Ullensaker/Kisa IL are a team in Football Manager 2016. Ull/Kisa play in the Norwegian Second Division Group 3 in Norway in FM 16. Ullensaker/Kisa IL are a playable team in FM2016.

Ullensaker/Kisa IL
Norwegian Second Division Group 3
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Ullensaker/Kisa IL Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Ullensaker/Kisa IL will be Basic

Ullensaker/Kisa IL Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Ullensaker/Kisa IL in Football Manager 2016?

This is a guide to managing Ullensaker/Kisa IL in FM16. If you want to play Football Manager 2016 with an updated Ullensaker/Kisa IL squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM16 Update which updates the Football Manager 2016 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2016 Data Update you can download.

Ullensaker/Kisa IL Players in FM16

All Ullensaker/Kisa IL Players in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Truls Jørstad 27 DM £80 £2k £710 31-12-2015
Ole Kristian Langås 21 AM RLC, F C £320 £30k £13k 31-12-2017
Edmir Asani 29 D C £140 £4k £2k 31-12-2015
Viktor Adebahr 25 M C £100 £2k £860 31-12-2016
Christian Aas 27 M RLC £320 £13k £5k 31-12-2018
Martin Rosenkilde 29 D C, DM £180 £310 £120 31-12-2016
Espen Standal 22 ST £200 £14k £16k 31-12-2016
Jesper Andreasson 24 AM C £200 £12k £7k 31-12-2015
Alexander Vangen 25 GK £100 £520 £200 31-12-2017
Jonas Fjeldberg 16 AM L £30 £8k £17k 31-12-2017
Mattis Nerheim 24 AM R, ST £100 £2k £570 31-12-2016
Markus Furseth 20 M C £100 £480 £560 31-12-2016
Markus Stensby 16 M C £30 £10k £21k 31-12-2017
Jan Tore Amundsen 31 DM £530 £21k £1k 31-12-2015
Kristoffer Ødemarksbakken 19 M C £100 £480 £580 31-12-2016
Karsten Rognerud 16 WB/M R £30 £480 £850 31-12-2017
Herman Henriksen 17 M C £30 £480 £750 31-12-2016
Fredrik Johansen Mundal 18 GK £30 £320 £380 31-12-2016

Ullensaker/Kisa IL Staff in FM16

Ullensaker/Kisa IL Staff in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Per Brogeland 61 Head of Youth Development 31-12-2015
Vegard Skogheim 48 Manager (First Team) 31-12-2018
Harald Fjeldberg 46 Coach (U19 Team) £3k 31-12-2015
André Bergdølmo 43 Assistant Manager (First Team) 31-12-2016
Jan Tore Amundsen 31 Player/Coach (First Team) £530 31-12-2015
Tore Rudshaug 40 Managing Director £1
Per Arne Nyjordet 33 Coach (U23 Team)
Fredrik Undheim Vestgård 25 GK Coach (First Team) £55 31-12-2012
Cato Strømberg 54 Chairman

Ullensaker/Kisa IL Peaked Players in FM16

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Alexander Vangen 25 GK £100 £520 £200 31-12-2017