This page refers to an older game FM17. View NASL (Original) in all games.

The NASL (Original) is a league in Football Manager 2017. NASL can be found in United States in FM 17.

This page describes NASL (Original) in FM17 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM17 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM17 Database Update instead.

NASL (Original)
United States
Total Teams
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Manage in NASL (Original) in Football Manager 2017

Are you looking to manage a team in NASL (Original) in FM17? Why not try finding a random team to manage in NASL (Original) and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Atlanta Chiefs 7,350 Great Poor Limited 0 0
Baltimore Comets 4,139 Good Poor Limited 0 0
Boston Minutemen 12,064 Superb Poor Limited 0 0
Calgary Boomers 10,501 Good Poor Limited 0 0
California Surf 11,171 Good Poor Limited 0 0
Chicago Sting 12,889 Excellent Poor Limited 0 0
Colorado Caribous 7,418 Average Poor Limited 0 0
Dallas Tornadoes 16,511 Good Poor Limited 0 0
Detroit Express 14,058 Average Poor Limited 0 0
Edmonton Drillers 10,920 Average Poor Limited 0 0
Fort Lauderdale Strikers (NASL) 14,360 Great Poor Limited 0 0
Hartford Bicentennials 3,902 Average Poor Limited 0 0
Houston Hurricanes 7,750 Excellent Poor Limited 0 0
Jacksonville Tea Men 12,064 Good Poor Limited 0 0
Kansas City Spurs 8,510 Average Poor Limited 0 0
Las Vegas Quicksilvers 7,079 Adequate Poor Limited 0 0
Los Angeles Aztecs 14,334 Superb Poor Limited 0 0
Memphis Rogues 9,864 Average Poor Limited 0 0
Miami Gatos 7,340 Adequate Poor Limited 0 0
Minnesota Kicks 32,775 Excellent Poor Limited 0 0
Montreal Manic 23,704 Excellent Poor Limited 0 0
New York Cosmos (NASL) 47,856 Best Poor Limited 0 0
Oakland Stompers 11,929 Average Poor Limited 0 0
Philadelphia Atoms 11,784 Excellent Poor Limited 0 0
Portland Timbers (NASL) 17,429 Good Poor Limited 0 0
Rochester Lancers 8,680 Adequate Poor Limited 0 0
San Antonio Thunder 9,176 Good Poor Limited 0 0
San Diego Sockers 14,802 Great Poor Limited 0 0
San Jose Earthquakes (NASL) 10,676 Good Poor Limited 0 0
Seattle Sounders (NASL) 24,246 Superb Poor Limited 0 0
St. Louis Stars 9,794 Good Poor Limited 0 0
Tampa Bay Rowdies (NASL) 28,345 Great Poor Limited 0 0
Toronto Blizzard 15,043 Excellent Poor Limited 0 0
Tulsa Roughnecks (NASL) 17,188 Good Poor Limited 0 0
Vancouver Whitecaps (NASL) 29,164 Excellent Poor Limited 0 0
Washington Diplomats 19,205 Good Poor Limited 0 0