This page refers to an older game FM17. View German Div. Bavaria North in all games.

The German Div. Bavaria North is a league in Football Manager 2017. Bavaria North can be found in Germany in FM 17.

This page describes German Div. Bavaria North in FM17 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM17 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM17 Database Update instead.

German Div. Bavaria North
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Manage in German Div. Bavaria North in Football Manager 2017

Are you looking to manage a team in German Div. Bavaria North in FM17? Why not try finding a random team to manage in German Div. Bavaria North and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
1.FC Sand £1 £1 500 Poor Poor Limited 5 5
1.SC Feucht £1 £1 770 Below Average Basic Limited 25 25
ASV Neumarkt £1 £1 280 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
DJK Ammerthal 0 Poor Poor Limited 10 11
DJK Don Bosco Bamberg 0 Basic Poor Limited 13 14
FC Amberg £348k £1 £1 850 Basic Poor Limited 43 45
FC Würzburger Kickers II 0 Basic Poor Limited 50 55
SC Eltersdorf £87k £1 £1 400 Basic Poor Limited 23 24
SpVgg Ansbach £1 £1 600 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
SpVgg SV Weiden £1 £1 380 Poor Poor Limited 23 24
SV Alemannia Haibach £1 £1 0 Poor Poor Limited 13 14
SV Erlenbach 0 Poor Poor Limited 17 18
SV Viktoria Aschaffenburg £58k £1 £1 1,100 Below Average Below Average Limited 53 57
TSV Aubstadt 0 Poor Poor Limited 18 20
TSV Großbardorf £23k £1 1,500 Basic Poor Limited 14 14
VfB Eichstätt 0 Poor Poor Limited 18 20
VfL Frohnlach £87k £1 £1 650 Basic Poor Limited 5 5
Würzburger FV £1 £1 610 Poor Poor Limited 27 29