This page refers to an older game FM17. View Montego Bay United in all games.

Montego Bay United are a team in Football Manager 2017. Montego Bay Utd play in the Jamaican National Premier League in Jamaica in FM 17.

Montego Bay United
Jamaican National Premier League
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Montego Bay United Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Montego Bay United will be Adequate

Montego Bay United Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Montego Bay United in Football Manager 2017?

This is a guide to managing Montego Bay United in FM17. If you want to play Football Manager 2017 with an updated Montego Bay United squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM17 Update which updates the Football Manager 2017 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2017 Data Update you can download.

Montego Bay United Players in FM17

All Montego Bay United Players in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Allan Ottey 23 AM R, ST £70 £2k £890 30-03-2018
Dino Williams 26 ST £70 £1k £640 30-03-2018
Fabian McCarthy 25 D LC, DM £60 £1k £580 30-03-2018
Lesly St. Fleur 27 D/WB RL, AM R £60 £1k £580 30-03-2018
Jacomeno Barrett 31 GK £120 £600 £260 30-03-2018
Keneil Kirlew 23 D/WB L, DM, M LC £50 £1k £540 30-03-2018
Omar Gordon 24 AM L, ST £280 £1k £560 30-03-2018
Jermaine Woozencroft 23 D C, DM £50 £1k £530 30-03-2018
Ladale Richie 26 D RC, DM £50 £1k £430 29-06-2018
Orlando McBayne 31 D RC £70 £380 £160 30-03-2018
Dwayne Ambusley 35 DM £60 £100 £40 30-03-2017
Cordell Simpson 28 D RC £60 £780 £320 30-03-2018
Jourdaine Fletcher 18 ST £50 £990 £400 29-06-2019
Kevon Lambert 19 DM £50 £880 £360 30-03-2018
Winston Wilkinson 25 D RC, DM £50 £770 £310 30-03-2018
Kashief Brown 20 ST £40 £870 £350 29-06-2018
Cory Hylton 22 AM RC £50 £870 £350 30-03-2018
John Barrett 25 D RC £60 £610 £240 30-03-2018
Cornelius Henry 29 M RC £60 £580 £230 30-03-2018
Troy Smith 29 D/WB/AM L £90 £550 £220 30-03-2018
Johann Weatherly 19 AM RL £40 £750 £1k 30-03-2018
Donovan Carey 24 D C £50 £610 £380 30-03-2018
Garen Downie 25 GK £60 £430 £160 30-03-2018
Kemar Drake 25 D C £50 £560 £210 30-03-2018
Jerome Eccleston 26 D RC £60 £560 £210 30-03-2018
Jason Watson 25 D C, DM £50 £480 £180 29-06-2019
Nicodie Haughton 23 AM RC £50 £600 £510 30-03-2018
King Kaya Beckford 21 AM RLC £50 £600 £590 29-06-2018
Ramone Sibley 19 AM C £50 £600 £1k 29-06-2017
Peter-Lee Vassell 17 AM C £40 £600 £1k 30-03-2018
Otis Friend 29 AM L, ST £50 £400 £150 29-06-2019
Ronaldo Rodney 25 M C £50 £550 £200 30-03-2018
David Swaby 20 GK £40 £370 £550 30-03-2018
Oraine Braham 25 M RC £40 £510 £190 30-03-2018
Jerome Haughton 21 M LC £50 £510 £650 29-06-2017
Duvaun Smith 20 GK £40 £350 £520 30-03-2018
Rohan Bernard 33 D LC, DM £50 £50 £20 30-03-2017
Terrence Johnson 22 D/WB L £40 £390 £400 30-03-2018
Tristan Bernard 32 GK £50 £140 £50 30-03-2018
Jeffrey Leslie 25 AM RC £50 £480 £170 30-03-2018
Nicholas Stewart 24 D RC, DM £40 £380 £220 30-03-2018
Derron McLeod 24 D/WB RL £50 £380 £410 29-06-2019
Julian Fisher 25 M LC £40 £480 £520 30-03-2018
Deshane Beckford 18 AM C £70 £500 £940 30-03-2018
Nicolie Barrett 26 ST £50 £500 £540 30-03-2018
Neil Lynch 36 GK £50 £30 £40 30-03-2017
Wilfred Smith 36 AM C £50 £50 £50 30-03-2017
Donovan Brown 18 M C £40 £480 £840 30-03-2018
Mario Samuels 29 M LC £50 £330 £330 30-03-2018
Omar Christie 32 D R £50 £50 £50 30-03-2017
Michael Heaven 17 D RC £20 £420 £800 29-06-2019
Iton Scott 39 D L, DM £40 £40 £40 30-03-2017
Pagiel Brown 16 D C £10 £420 £850 31-03-2019

Montego Bay United Loaned Out Players in FM17

Players out on loan from Montego Bay United in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Omar Gordon 24 AM L, ST £280 £1k £560 30-03-2018

Montego Bay United Staff in FM17

Montego Bay United Staff in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Dr Dean Weatherly 53 Director of Football £30k
Orville Powell 51 Chairman
Sandra Christie 45 Director
Dillon Thelwell 43 Assistant Manager (First Team) £55 30-06-2018
Norman Foster 46 Assistant Manager (First Team) £55
Loxley Reid 42 GK Coach (First Team) £110

Montego Bay United Peaked Players in FM17

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Otis Friend 29 AM L, ST £50 £400 £150 29-06-2019
Orlando McBayne 31 D RC £70 £380 £160 30-03-2018
Troy Smith 29 D/WB/AM L £90 £550 £220 30-03-2018