This page refers to an older game FM17. View Bruno's Magpies FC in all games.

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Bruno's Magpies FC are a team in Football Manager 2017. Magpies play in the Gibraltarian Second Division in Gibraltar in FM 17.

Bruno's Magpies FC
Gibraltarian Second Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Bruno's Magpies FC Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Bruno's Magpies FC will be Poor

Bruno's Magpies FC Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Bruno's Magpies FC in Football Manager 2017?

This is a guide to managing Bruno's Magpies FC in FM17. If you want to play Football Manager 2017 with an updated Bruno's Magpies FC squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM17 Update which updates the Football Manager 2017 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2017 Data Update you can download.

Bruno's Magpies FC Players in FM17

All Bruno's Magpies FC Players in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Dave Martin 39 GK £80 £20 £30 29-06-2017
Liam Roche 30 AM C £80 £180 £190 29-06-2017
Kyle Schembri 30 D RL £80 £150 £150 29-06-2017
Justin Phillips 31 D RC £80 £90 £90 29-06-2017
Anthony Higgins 28 D L £80 £230 £220 29-06-2017
James Watson 33 D/WB L, DM, M LC £80 £30 £30 29-06-2017
Regan Mendes 22 D C £80 £310 £300 29-06-2017
Daniel Varona Bautista 25 AM RL, ST £80 £360 £350 29-06-2017
Tiago Rodrigues 29 AM L £80 £240 £230 29-06-2017
Evan Coleing 21 AM RL £80 £400 £420 30-06-2017
José Mari 25 ST £80 £360 £330 29-06-2017
Youssef Idali 20 AM RL, ST £80 £360 £330 29-06-2017
Pedro Caballero 21 D RC £80 £310 £280 29-06-2017
Julian Fortuna 31 GK £80 £170 £150 29-06-2017
Mario Romero 24 D/WB L £80 £270 £240 29-06-2017
Phillip Reyes 23 GK £80 £240 £210 29-06-2017
Antonio Rubio Huercano 23 DM £80 £350 £300 29-06-2017
Yousef Idali 24 AM RL, ST £80 £360 £320 29-06-2017
Diego Segura 29 AM RL £80 £280 £240 29-06-2017
Sam Whelan 26 D/WB/AM R £80 £350 £300 29-06-2017
Manuel Andres Jimenez Garcia 18 GK £80 £240 £350 29-06-2017
Chris Mousdell 30 D C, DM £80 £200 £170 29-06-2017
Reed Wilson 18 D L £80 £270 £400 29-06-2017
Purga 25 AM C £80 £360 £310 29-06-2017
Michael Macias 32 D C £100 £30 £30 29-06-2017
Kevin Boateng 23 AM RL, ST £80 £360 £300 29-06-2017
Jose Maria Ruiz 19 AM RL £80 £360 £300 29-06-2017
Luis McCoy 21 AM RLC £80 £360 £300 29-06-2017
Jamie Fortuna 20 D C, DM £80 £310 £340 29-06-2017
Kevin Ramirez 21 M C £80 £350 £280 29-06-2017
Luke Buxton 18 D LC £80 £310 £240 29-06-2017
Luke Busumbru 18 ST £80 £360 £290 29-06-2017

Bruno's Magpies FC Staff in FM17

Bruno's Magpies FC Staff in Football Manager 2017

Bruno's Magpies FC Peaked Players in FM17

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
José Mari 25 ST £80 £360 £330 29-06-2017
Julian Fortuna 31 GK £80 £170 £150 29-06-2017
Michael Macias 32 D C £100 £30 £30 29-06-2017
Chris Mousdell 30 D C, DM £80 £200 £170 29-06-2017
Justin Phillips 31 D RC £80 £90 £90 29-06-2017
Diego Segura 29 AM RL £80 £280 £240 29-06-2017
James Watson 33 D/WB L, DM, M LC £80 £30 £30 29-06-2017
Sam Whelan 26 D/WB/AM R £80 £350 £300 29-06-2017
Kevin Boateng 23 AM RL, ST £80 £360 £300 29-06-2017
Regan Mendes 22 D C £80 £310 £300 29-06-2017
Jose Maria Ruiz 19 AM RL £80 £360 £300 29-06-2017
Reed Wilson 18 D L £80 £270 £400 29-06-2017
Manuel Andres Jimenez Garcia 18 GK £80 £240 £350 29-06-2017