This page refers to an older game FM17. View Cartagena in all games.

Cartagena are a team in Football Manager 2017. Cartagena play in the Spanish Second Division B4 in Spain in FM 17. Cartagena are a playable team in FM2017.

Spanish Second Division B4
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Below Average
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Cartagena Newgen Rating

Below Average

Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Cartagena will be Below Average

Cartagena Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Cartagena in Football Manager 2017?

This is a guide to managing Cartagena in FM17. If you want to play Football Manager 2017 with an updated Cartagena squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM17 Update which updates the Football Manager 2017 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2017 Data Update you can download.

Cartagena Players in FM17

All Cartagena Players in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Cristo Martín 29 AM RLC £2k £342k £161k 29-06-2017
Óscar Ramírez 32 D RLC £2k £53k £25k 29-06-2017
Juanlu Hens 32 AM RC £3k £83k £39k 29-06-2017
Moisés 26 D C £2k £238k £111k 29-06-2017
Arturo Rodríguez 27 ST £3k £367k £171k 29-06-2017
Juan Antonio Ros 20 DM £1k £190k £348k 30-06-2017
Fernando Llorente 25 DM £790 £184k £85k 29-06-2017
José Artiles 23 AM RLC £3k £423k £413k 30-06-2017
Sergio Jiménez 23 DM £2k £321k £149k 29-06-2017
Míchel Zabaco 27 D C £2k £238k £109k 29-06-2017
Quique Rivero 24 M LC £2k £239k £108k 29-06-2017
Jesús Álvaro 25 D/WB L £2k £140k £63k 29-06-2017
Sergio García 26 AM RL £2k £187k £84k 29-06-2017
Limones 29 GK £1k £146k £65k 29-06-2018
Gonzalo Verdú 27 D C, DM £2k £153k £11k 29-06-2017
Juan Carlos Ceballos 33 D/WB R £2k £13k £920 29-06-2017
Isi 20 AM RLC £1k £181k £244k 30-06-2017
Germán 25 AM/F C £1k £129k £9k 29-06-2017
Miguel Guirao 20 AM RLC £1k £105k £171k 30-06-2017
Adama Fofana 20 DM £600 £69k £88k 29-06-2021
Marcos Morales 21 GK £330 £17k £16k 29-06-2017
Titi 23 AM/F C £490 £16k £3k 29-06-2017

Cartagena Loaned Out Players in FM17

Players out on loan from Cartagena in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Titi 23 AM/F C £490 £16k £3k 29-06-2017

Cartagena Staff in FM17

Cartagena Staff in Football Manager 2017