This page refers to an older game FM17. View Shelbourne F.C. in all games.

Shelbourne F.C. are a team in Football Manager 2017. Shelbourne play in the Irish First Division in Republic of Ireland in FM 17. Shelbourne F.C. are a playable team in FM2017.

Shelbourne F.C.
Republic of Ireland
Irish First Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Shelbourne F.C. Newgen Rating

Below Average

Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Shelbourne F.C. will be Below Average

Shelbourne F.C. Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Shelbourne F.C. in Football Manager 2017?

This is a guide to managing Shelbourne F.C. in FM17. If you want to play Football Manager 2017 with an updated Shelbourne F.C. squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM17 Update which updates the Football Manager 2017 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2017 Data Update you can download.

Shelbourne F.C. Players in FM17

All Shelbourne F.C. Players in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Dean Delany 35 GK £130 £10k £4k 30-11-2017
Stephen Elliott 32 ST £300 £13k £5k 31-12-2017
Derek Prendergast 31 D C £300 £21k £8k 30-11-2017
Adam Evans 22 AM L, ST £90 £26k £10k 30-11-2016
Gareth Coughlan 26 AM RLC £130 £14k £5k 30-11-2016
Lorcan Shannon 22 AM RL £170 £14k £15k 30-11-2016
Alan Byrne 32 D C, DM £200 £5k £2k 30-11-2017
Adam O'Connor 21 D RC £110 £11k £14k 30-11-2016
James English 24 ST £110 £13k £4k 30-11-2016
Chris Lyons 23 ST £130 £39k £31k 30-11-2017
Robert O'Reilly 20 D C £130 £10k £12k 30-11-2016
Carl Walshe 22 AM RL, ST £110 £13k £10k 30-11-2016
Mark Sandford 21 AM RL, ST £90 £6k £6k 30-11-2016
Aidan Collins 32 D C £130 £2k £140 30-11-2016
Ryan Robinson 20 D RC, DM £110 £12k £14k 30-11-2016
Sodiq Oguntola 23 AM L, ST £60 £6k £3k 30-11-2016
Jason Caffrey 20 D L £90 £15k £16k 30-11-2017
Darragh Gannon 20 D RC £40 £4k £4k 30-11-2016
Dylan Kavanagh 20 D/AM L £130 £9k £10k 30-11-2016
Robert Duggan 19 AM C £40 £4k £5k 30-11-2016
Jack Brady 19 GK £40 £2k £3k 30-11-2016
Dylan Grimes 18 AM RC £40 £8k £11k 30-11-2017
Eric Donnelly 18 GK £30 £2k £3k 31-12-2016
Gavin Kearney 19 D C £0 £890 £980 30-11-2016
Ronan O'Flynn 19 M C £0 £890 £980 30-11-2016

Shelbourne F.C. Staff in FM17

Shelbourne F.C. Staff in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Dermot Keely 62 Head of Youth Development £350 30-11-2015
Joe Casey 57 Chairman
Martin Murray 57 Manager (U19 Team) £150 30-06-2015
Kevin Doherty 36 Manager (First Team) £182 30-11-2016
Gary-Matthew O'Toole 34 Fitness Coach (U19 Team) £45 30-06-2015
Ciaran Bizzell 32 GK Coach (U19 Team) £50 30-06-2015
Mark Frazer 43 Coach (U19 Team) £45 30-06-2015
Ger Ralph 57 Assistant Manager (U19 Team) £45 30-06-2015
Anthony Kennedy 52 Coach (U19 Team) £45 30-06-2015