This page refers to an older game FM17. View KF Partizani Tirana in all games.

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KF Partizani Tirana are a team in Football Manager 2017. Partizani play in the Albanian Superleague in Albania in FM 17.

KF Partizani Tirana
Albanian Superleague
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

KF Partizani Tirana Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by KF Partizani Tirana will be Adequate

KF Partizani Tirana Transfers

Looking for players to buy for KF Partizani Tirana in Football Manager 2017?

This is a guide to managing KF Partizani Tirana in FM17. If you want to play Football Manager 2017 with an updated KF Partizani Tirana squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM17 Update which updates the Football Manager 2017 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2017 Data Update you can download.

KF Partizani Tirana Players in FM17

All KF Partizani Tirana Players in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Xhevahir Sukaj 28 ST £820 £120k £60k 29-06-2017
Arbnor Fejzullahu 23 D RC £560 £142k £70k 29-06-2017
Emiljano Vila 28 AM RC, F C £880 £181k £89k 29-06-2017
Agustín Torassa 27 AM R, ST £780 £97k £47k 29-06-2017
Renato Malota 27 D LC £480 £129k £62k 29-06-2018
Idriz Batha 24 M RC £430 £92k £44k 29-06-2017
Alban Hoxha 28 GK £280 £71k £33k 29-06-2018
Mentor Mazrekaj 27 AM L £320 £36k £17k 31-12-2016
Marko Cetkovic 29 AM RC £470 £90k £42k 29-06-2018
Lorenc Trashi 24 AM RC £320 £70k £32k 29-06-2017
Labinot Ibrahimi 30 D RC £200 £24k £11k 29-06-2017
Gëzim Krasniqi 26 D LC £220 £33k £15k 29-06-2017
Jurgen Vatnikaj 20 ST £260 £47k £21k 29-06-2017
Luca Bertoni 24 DM £1k £229k £103k 30-06-2017
Reinaldo Kalari 32 D LC £160 £7k £3k 29-06-2017
Caleb Ekuban 22 ST £3k £270k £324k 30-06-2017
Kristi Marku 21 D C £360 £67k £30k 29-06-2017
Realdo Fili 20 AM C £320 £88k £38k 29-06-2019
Esin Hakaj 19 DM £210 £39k £78k 29-06-2017
Sodiq Atanda 22 D C £240 £34k £41k 29-06-2017
Dashamir Xhika 27 GK £150 £25k £11k 29-06-2017
Jurgen Bardhi 18 AM C £190 £44k £18k 29-06-2017
Ylber Ramadani 20 DM £210 £38k £63k 29-06-2017
Elis Doksani 17 D/WB L £20 £42k £17k 29-06-2018
Mario Dajsinani 17 GK £100 £28k £12k 29-06-2017
John Grabova 20 M RC £160 £20k £31k 29-06-2017
Fabio Hasa 19 DM £100 £8k £15k 29-06-2017
Lauren Ismailaj 20 AM LC £120 £9k £15k 29-06-2017
Viktor Mema 20 D C £100 £7k £11k 29-06-2017

KF Partizani Tirana Staff in FM17

KF Partizani Tirana Staff in Football Manager 2017

KF Partizani Tirana Peaked Players in FM17

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Marko Cetkovic 29 AM RC £470 £90k £42k 29-06-2018
Reinaldo Kalari 32 D LC £160 £7k £3k 29-06-2017
Gëzim Krasniqi 26 D LC £220 £33k £15k 29-06-2017
Mentor Mazrekaj 27 AM L £320 £36k £17k 31-12-2016