This page refers to an older game FM17. View Lommel United in all games.

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Lommel United are a team in Football Manager 2017. Lommel United play in the Belgian Pro League B in Belgium in FM 17. Lommel United are a playable team in FM2017.

Lommel United
Belgian Pro League B
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Lommel United Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Lommel United will be Adequate

Lommel United Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Lommel United in Football Manager 2017?

This is a guide to managing Lommel United in FM17. If you want to play Football Manager 2017 with an updated Lommel United squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM17 Update which updates the Football Manager 2017 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2017 Data Update you can download.

Lommel United Players in FM17

All Lommel United Players in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Jarno Molenberghs 26 AM RL, ST £2k £555k £258k 30-06-2017
Wouter Scheelen 30 AM C £1k £30k £14k 29-06-2017
Jentl Gaethofs 23 AM LC £1k £369k £172k 29-06-2019
Giel Deferm 28 D LC, DM £860 £22k £10k 29-06-2018
Wouter Corstjens 29 D C £860 £196k £88k 29-06-2017
Bart Goossens 31 D/WB R £780 £62k £28k 29-06-2017
Toon Lenaerts 25 D RLC £860 £49k £22k 29-06-2018
Glenn Neven 26 D C, DM, M RC £780 £16k £7k 29-06-2017
Geert Berben 23 AM RC £600 £63k £28k 29-06-2017
Christophe Bertjens 23 AM/F C £860 £78k £35k 29-06-2018
Mathias Schils 23 M C £860 £369k £166k 29-06-2018
Yassin Gueroui 26 DM £690 £15k £7k 29-06-2017
Melvin Platje 27 AM/F C £1k £262k £116k 29-06-2017
Jesse Bertrams 21 GK £2k £252k £112k 29-06-2018
Timo Cauwenberg 21 D/WB/AM L £650 £29k £45k 29-06-2018
Marko Maletic 22 ST £690 £581k £258k 29-06-2018
Alexandre De Bruyn 22 AM L, ST £220 £25k £22k 29-06-2017
Sam Valcke 23 AM R, ST £1k £356k £155k 29-06-2018
Nicolas Orye 17 ST £860 £154k £335k 30-06-2017
Ridwane Mbarki 22 AM RLC, F C £430 £23k £25k 29-06-2018
Senne Verbiest 20 AM LC £430 £56k £91k 30-06-2017
Umberto Dos Santos Carvalho 22 D/WB L, DM, AM LC, F C £690 £12k £10k 29-06-2017
Jasper van Heertum 18 D/WB R, AM RC, ST £120 £17k £31k 29-06-2018
Sven Delarbre 20 GK £430 £8k £10k 29-06-2017
Brian Gielen 19 GK £260 £20k £30k 29-06-2017
Axel Swerten 19 D LC £130 £5k £7k 29-06-2017
Alessandro Bongiorno 18 AM RLC, F C £130 £11k £19k 29-06-2017
Jordi Maus 17 DM £130 £7k £14k 29-06-2018
Mikayil Yaman 18 D/WB R, DM, AM C £410 £14k £24k 29-06-2017
Rob Janssen 21 AM RL, ST £300 £4k £4k 29-06-2017

Lommel United Loaned Out Players in FM17

Players out on loan from Lommel United in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Issam Al Khamouchi 18 AM L, ST £340 £6k £11k 30-06-2017
Philippe Paoli 21 ST £650 £23k £25k 30-06-2017

Lommel United Staff in FM17

Lommel United Staff in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Paul Kerkhofs 56 Chairman 30-06-2020
Pierre Berx 76 Scout £100 30-06-2020
Eddy Diels 59 Fitness Coach (First Team) £500 30-06-2018
Bert Van Herck 36 Chief Doctor £685 30-06-2019
Filip Dirx 39 Head Physio £456 30-06-2020
Sem Franssen 32 Director of Football £500 30-06-2019
Nils Koppen 31 Head of Youth Development £913 30-06-2019
Tom Van Imschoot 34 Manager (First Team) £1k 30-06-2018
Eddy Vanhemel 46 Manager (U21 Team) £600 30-06-2017
Peter Schildermans 43 GK Coach (First Team) £500 30-06-2018
Tom Vandervee 45 Assistant Manager (First Team) £500 30-06-2020
Noël Essers 70 Director
Rik Lavreysen 63 Managing Director £1k 30-06-2018
Jacky Loomans 61 Director
Frans Luyckx 60 Director

Lommel United Peaked Players in FM17

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Giel Deferm 28 D LC, DM £860 £22k £10k 29-06-2018
Yassin Gueroui 26 DM £690 £15k £7k 29-06-2017
Glenn Neven 26 D C, DM, M RC £780 £16k £7k 29-06-2017